>pic related
So besides GEOTUS having US corp. goobernment replaced with US Constitutional government, minus those arrested, my dream is military will 5star a leader until such time we hold elections immediately. In time for March 6 inauguration. World will be awake and itching to vote, because this will happen worldwide all at once. We are not alone 8n this. All candidates in the new Patriots Party will win hands down against any other party. ID for your vote and purple ink on thumb. (So we can all say "Stick that Purple Revolution up your ass!") C-SPAN will gain 17 new channels broadcast and cable.
>Dreams aside, will public and private corps. and other businesses receive "leadership" after heads at the top roll? Guidance counselors perhaps to keep the wheels moving? Need to keep America open I'd assume. All would need to be vetted. Real vetting. So massive is the pre-planning on all of this it boggles ( hertz) the mind thinking about it.
>Military precision at its finest.
>So any takers? Incite Inside Insight