Anonymous ID: 8362b0 Jan. 9, 2021, 9:06 a.m. No.12425771   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Who is acting more like an "Authoritarian"? Trump or the Deep State?


Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by the rejection of political plurality,

the use of a strong central power to preserve the political status quo, and

[reductions] in the


1) rule of law

2) separation of powers

3) democratic voting.


An "authoritarian" is one who enforces strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom.


It is true that Trump runs his cabinet like a successful CEO. It requires having the courage to fire people who are not loyal to the President's job description, which is to represent the will of the people.


He stood up to China,

he brought back jobs to the suffering middle class,

he brought tax relief to families,

he built the wall,

he took on big pharma price rigging,

he took on hospital price rigging,

he brought real criminal justice reform to clean up the aftermath of the crime bill Joe Biden used to exploit and oppress an entire generation of minorities, and

he ended the endless wars, etc, etc, etc.


Trump actually got more done in 4 years, while being attacked 24/7, than any president in the past 50. Any by doing so, he set a new standard for the POTUS which can never be matched by puppet on strings.


He humiliated the permanent elite class in DC by rubbing their face in their own filth while the whole world watched in amazement.


He inspired HOPE in the minds of billions of debt slaves around the world.


That is why [they] hate him and will never forgive him for it.


The [invisible enemy] has no interest in serving the will of the people and now the people know it. The toothpaste has been stomped out of the tube and it can never be put back in.


Despite the fog of this information war that we find ourselves in, it’s really simple to understand what's happening.


The election was stolen and everyone saw it coming. Soros even telegraphed their plans at DAVOS in January. The big tech censorship started on May 26th; the day Trump first exposed their plan to use unverified mail-in ballots as [1] method to commit fraud against the Will of the American people.


There was also a coordinated effort that began in 2017 to change the election rules without their legislator’s approval in 6 key swing states. This was unconstitutional. And then there is the electronic fraud which is has being substantiated in a 270 page report and by new evidence coming out of Italy.


Despite certifying a fraudulent election after allowing protesters into an unsecured capital building in a failed effort to demonize Trump and his millions of supporters, Trump’s approval rating actually rose to new highs Thursday night, which sent DC into a complete tailspin PANIC.


Even with Trump promising a smooth transition and allowing them to install JoeKamala on the 20th, [they] can never allow the public to see all the evidence of voter fraud, much less the treasonous Obama/Comey spy operation.


If those who think they are now in power were confident that JoeKamala won fair and square, they wouldn’t be forcing @Jack to sacrifice his pride and joy Twitter for the evil of the deep state.


Did burning books in Germany help the NAZI's in the end? No!


The Truth WINS in the end, regardless of who is anointed POTUS.


[They] should have just laid low and acted like everything was fine. But, [they] couldn’t help themselves. [They] are cowards and [their] fear of losing control of public opinion forced them to over play their hand. Now [they] will all lose, because you can’t bend reality without it snapping back at you.


[They] are the authoritarians