Anonymous ID: ca571f Jan. 9, 2021, 9:09 a.m. No.12425838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5906 >>6036


>Critters and MSM are screaming about everything in general but nothing specific

Yes, they behave like they've been cornered. If they never thought it was over for them before, they sure sound like it is now. You can tell in the change in their behaviour and the urgency of their actions.

>MSM isn't a strong as it was. Q guys broke it, IMO.

Some people are already wondering if the reaction to what was essentially a tour into a building with some things knocked over, was too much. Not to mention people know nothing good comes out of bipartisan unity over condemning of an "attack" because it only signifies more control. Smart people know this, dumb people won't. Sheep will be sheep. Majority will be useless and irrelevant in the larger scheme of things. It has only ever been a minority of people who ever changed history. I'm in Singapore, MSM is even more one sided here because of state media. It's the same narrative as usual. But in the long run, I think they've used up all their weapons too. People here are absolute sheep though. My parents fell for the lockdowns and mask bullshit and are obsessing over every single covid news over our dinner table talks. Some people just won't depart from what the news tell them. I've stated some of my thoughts on the lockdown effectiveness every once in a while, to no answer but that's okay, the point is to introduce the lack of logical reasoning behind everything through hypocritical examples. I've purposely kept quiet for now with regards to the Trump thing because optically it's a bad situation, and nodded to everything because I don't want to blow my load yet. I'm waiting on a public victory for Team trump before I open my mouth about my thoughts. Gotta time it right. Heh, looks like I'm taking notes from Q too.

Anonymous ID: ca571f Jan. 9, 2021, 9:23 a.m. No.12426119   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You can tell people are pissed at the lockdowns though. Even if they think it's a logical policy, they really aren't fans of living in it. My dad admits that eventually it all has to go back to normal otherwise people snap. When the tides turn, they will understand. They aren't too far gone at all. They just don't hear stuff outside of MSM.