It's a real tweet, disgusting
This PROJECT LINCOLN FAGGOT, I wont copy paste what he said… complete and utter PANIC
Can’t believe all those dangerous conspiracy theorists who believe the elites of this country are united in their desire to tyrannize their citizens, silence them, track them, throw them in jail, destroy democracy, destroy freedom of speech. Total nutjobs!
Sarah Jeong, who posted racist comments on Twitter, wonders when Twitter will ban me.
Since it appears GOP leaders need a reminder:
There is no “healing” from this without accountability.
And there is no “unity” with white supremacists.
You know the President’s state has devolved dangerously. If you’re too weak to do anything about it, you’re too weak to serve.
The ICC is corrupt, politicized & incompetent. Chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda abused her authority, engaged in #corrupt acts for her personal benefit, and wasted millions with malicious prosecution of American personnel. #Sanctioned
(Timestamp 2:00PM EST)
Epic hypocrisy. Facts:
1) Nazis are evil bigots.
2) You & your anti-Israel pals blocked a resolution condemning antisemitism—which I passed unanimously in the Senate.
3) Unless they are genocidal, calling your political opponents Nazis is atrocious.