Anonymous ID: 134c56 Jan. 9, 2021, 10:50 a.m. No.12427530   🗄️.is 🔗kun



she needs to ask herself a few very important questions:


who does she serve by saying this - unifying the country or dividing it further


who provided the claims that protestersallegedlywere planning bodily harm to any lawmaker


where were lawmakers evacuated to - and therefore it was impossible for protesters to get even close to any lawmakers


how do we know this wasn't a set up to make peaceful protesters look bad- in light of all video footage that has come out.. people on the ground identifying anarchists and antifa, and even tackling them and protecting police in full riot gear from them…


it's simply not true. and we all know it.


we finally know where we stand.


the government has turned against it's people and is using the legacy media to throw smoke and demonize half of america.


Congratulations Nancy - you just disenfranchised 60% - 70% of America…!

What exactly is the plan forward? Other than the genocide of half the country???


Communism and Tyranny always start with a dumb altruistic idea, but without GOD it falls apart fast into darkness and oppression.


the dividing line is not democrat vs republican.


in truth


it's whether you believe in GOD AND OBEY his commandments… or whether you are rebelling against him and fall into the Enemy's trap. GOD vs the Godless..


Have you thought about the 10 commandments - … if all 10 are applied - they root out corruption by default.. hmmmm….