Anonymous ID: 94f774 Jan. 9, 2021, 2:52 p.m. No.12431152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1168 >>1172 >>1383 >>1523 >>1651 >>1844

Boatfag Report on EMP attack from China via the Bahamas (1 of 2)


I posted a news reporter twat last night that discussed the possibility of an EMP attack emanating from a CCP base in China. A few other anons (h/t to them) responded with some helpful information to start a dig, so I did a brief one today. The following is my summary of what I’ve found so far (sauce below points):


  1. The name of the location/enterprise is “China Harbour North Abaco Bahamas Ministry Pier Project,” as shown in the first pic. It’s cleverly covered under other names as “China Harbour” or “North Abaco Pier”, etc., but the first one is the name on their own sign. The project is a $40m Chin “investment project” to build a pier. The name of the company building the project is China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC). Use of that name in Goebbels Maps indicates several locations for these fuckers around the world, including in Nigeria and Abijan. Hmmm…


  1. The project is located on the Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas, about 100 miles east-ish of Freeport on Grand Bahamas Island. The exact location is also a bit concealed, as “China Harbour” and other locations don’t appear. Some articles list it in the North Abaco District on Great Abaco Island, and some put it in the Central Abaco District. One article even refers to the harbor location as “Central Abaco Island” (there ain’t no such critter).


  1. In trying to geolocate coordinates for the place, Goebbels Maps was notably unhelpful. Have not been able to nail down an exact geographic location yet, but I’m looking for some other indicators. Have not been able to find a reliable wide-angle shot of the area yet to use as a reference point for satellite overhead imagery.


  1. The port project “includes the development of a 3,500 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) on 45 acres of land” and is supposedly “will be used to store a variety of building materials including steel, limestone and cement and other items, up to 10,000 tons.” Hmmm. There are two airstrips on the island, the large official one nearby and another remote strip about 25 miles northwest.


  1. Known conditions in the vicinity of the harbor are interesting. Hurricane Dorian (h/t to a couple of the anons last night for providing this info) reportedly devastated the area. Great Abaco Island has a reported population of around 4k people, and apparently a number of them are Haitian and other poor immigrant workers. These empoverished folks lived in two areas near the harbor in about a 200-acre called “The Mudds” and “The Pea”, apparently ghetto-style ramshackle houses. These areas were completely devastated from Dorian, and the Bahamian government basically fenced off, burned and bulldozed the whole area afterward.


  1. There are a number of reports of people doing construction on the island and workers being sent to China Harbour for materials. Nobody apparently likes going up there because things are too difficult to find, the people there are unfriendly and unhelpful, and most folks are in some way steered or influenced to avoid the area. A number of people have asked the questions, “Why is the situation at that location like this?” and “What is going on up there?” and there aren’t satisfactory answers.


  1. Opinions as to the real purpose of the harbor vary. The NineLine article below suggests that it may be a place for horizontal drilling at a mile below the surface, to tap into oil reserve wells maintained near Freeport.


  1. Rough location is shown in cap #2.

Anonymous ID: 94f774 Jan. 9, 2021, 2:54 p.m. No.12431172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1523 >>1651


Boatfag Report on EMP attack from China via the Bahamas (2 of 2)


Opinion: Considering the conditions around the location indicate that it has a substantial buffer zone, and is functionally under the control of the CHEC. There does not sound like any curiosity on the part of the Bahamian government in the project other than getting cash for the work and the ability to advertise the project as “bringing jobs into the community” (that retarded “the-government-is-helping-you” sales pitch talking point is so old and beaten, if it was a horse it’d collapse in the street.)


I’m sure the Chins don’t have any problem stealing anyone else’s oil. Port development would have to be picked up, and some dredging operations done – I haven’t seen indications of any especially deep harbors fit to take on larger ships. Of course, 10,000 tons of cargo isn’t really that heavy. But if it’s lumber or raw minerals, it’s a little bulky. If they’re moving supplies into the area, they’re either using barges, lighters or small coastal freighters.


The “supply” type of location, as well as the nature of the ground (relatively flat, abandoned and likely some areas beaten into fire zones) makes the location suitable for providing a useful cover as a spy base, a staging area and also for launching a nuke from a Club-X cargo container). I believe it’s tactically an ideal launch point location for a nuke missile attack against the US, especially an EMP attack, and here’s why:


A. Any ballistic nuke strike missile can loft quickly, and any supersonic cruise missile can get low enough to cover much of the distance to the US coast undetected. The Navy and most likely other systems have shown a pretty good capacity to use counter-battery missiles to intercept lofted missile inbounds launched from long distances, but missiles from this position won’t need to cover much ground – especially EMP missiles.


B. A ballistic nuke EMP attack would quickly reach it’s detonation point in a launch from this location. It only has to veer enough to the west to get it over a wider portion of CONUS. And since it’s only going up and in a situation where it can continuously accelerate, it reduces the time of possible intercept by at least half the time of a conventional re-entry and near-surface warhead detonation from the same location.


C. It’s in a location friendly to their activities, or at least so disinterested that no one can be bothered to see what’s going on there. I lean towards “complicit” more than just disinterested, since the island took some pains to clear out locals in the vicinity after Hurricane Dorian, and ChiCom cash goes a long way. Would bet it would be easy to find some fat bank accounts, and keep in mind the Bahamas is closely tied to Britain.


BF Out.


Sauces for this report:

Anonymous ID: 94f774 Jan. 9, 2021, 3:18 p.m. No.12431523   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Request you add >>12431172 Boatfag Report Part 2 into the Notable for >>12431152 Boatfag Report on EMP attack from China via the Bahamas


Glad you liked the report and grateful to make a small contribution to the team. BF out.