>>12431109 LB
my self respect is in this red text, and that i dont need you to tell me what you think i should think…look at that you can see who has a tyrannical personality just from 4 sentences
>>12431109 LB
my self respect is in this red text, and that i dont need you to tell me what you think i should think…look at that you can see who has a tyrannical personality just from 4 sentences
Firefix with the CORS plugin is working on fucked bread again
nobody cares about your faggot questions
pence is not cropped out of the photo you twat, its two separate photos dummy…how do i know? Because thats my notable
…see if you opened the photo in your post youd see theres a lot missing to the right of trump but theres no pence in it..reread what the dude said in his tweet about how pence had tweeted the picture with pence first at some point and then tweeted that photo without pence
how did you get that so wrong when literally both photos are included with the notable
NO i didnt call either original…i posted somebody elses tweet who noticed that this had happened…their wearing the exact same clothes in both photos right? when did the poster get the first image? it exists right? why does he have both?
damn, hunter has 24,800 photos and videos on that thing…notice it has a timestamp also for 2018