Anonymous ID: 334c16 Jan. 9, 2021, 4:02 p.m. No.12432213   🗄️.is 🔗kun

GAB also has its own news feed, and anyone who has payed any attention to that over the past couple years would know that gab is indeed very anti trump.. i tried to call them out on that once with a tweet directed at them. in response they blocked me. GAB owners on twitter, blocked me so i could no longer call them out on being anti trump. they did not even try and defend or deny it. then they blocked me on gab (my fault for having the same username on twitter as i did on gab.) not that i cared, once id learned they were comped at that point i didnt want the gab account anymore anyway. good riddance.


seen alot of shills on here argueing about gab and parler as if your options are one or the other..




this is why trump is talking about making a NEW platform, rather then promoting either of these. he knows.