Just gonna say this once, faggots, so listen up
Pence ain't the guy. He may be smart, savvy, and capable of some hellacious moves, but he isn't Donald Trump.
POTUS has been kicked around, shit on, gone the full 15 and still standing strong. People LOVE this guy, and there's a fucking reason for it - he has done everything in his power that he said he would do, and THEN SOME.
A FUCKIN SIZEABLE majority of Americans trust DJT because he's earned it. He's rough, he's imperfect, and he's also been kicking ass. He hasn't done this for himself and if that's not totally obvious to anyone, YOU'RE A MOTHERFUCKING RETARD.
And to Americans right now, that means a fuckton. When the dust clears and the Mil walks up and says, "It was Pence! Mike was really the guy behind this!", do you think anyone would be impressed enough to run to the guy? He's a poor substitute.
Trump has criss-crossed this country repeatedly, with big dick energy at multiple knock-it-out-of-the-park rallies on the daily for sometimes weeks on end!
People respond to that shit, and they will also remember the most recent thing Pence did, which DIDN'T support Trump. And then there's the emails and the Cleveland Deal.
America doesn't need another fucking snake in office, and even if Pence could possibly be our cobra, he's still a cobra. We prefer the Mongoose.
And do not think for one fucking instant that the Mil is too stupid to realize this. They know that the only hope of salvaging this nation when the dust clears is that DJT is still in charge.
(There's a reason why I made this meme. This is that reason.)
Have a nice fuckin' day, anons.