Anonymous ID: 0e13e7 Jan. 9, 2021, 7:42 p.m. No.12436571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6613 >>6628 >>6706

Widespread systematic crimes at the highest levels of government. Framing of innocent Americans. All documented and public.


Just look at the Flynn case.


From the top to the bottom of the FBI/DoJ, the prosecutors, the judges, even the defense attorneys.


Massive corruption, embezzlement, bribery all on display. For example, Hunter. Literally receiving diamonds from the Chinese.


The Pedo Carlos Danger gets a slap on the wrist. A massive folder named "Insurance".


A grand total of 0 held to account.


Every opportunity, every reason, nothing happened.


China more powerful than ever before.


Your rights, gone.


War should have been declared on China for this virus, if not for everything else they have done and continue to do.


Instead, statistics, science, evidence, none of that matters. Your education and basic freedom is based on the whims of those in power with no law at all.


It's been rubbed in your face daily for years.


Trump and Q has kept you docile.


It's over. You lost.


Unless you cowards will actually take back your country. Why isn't the FBI surrounded and shut down? Why aren't hundreds of thousands of people bringing DC to a halt?


What's few random people storming Capital Hill going to do? You will be shot in cold blood like that woman, while your cities are burnt to the ground with the police standing down.


Cowards. That's what you all are. Scared. You have mortgages and bills. You also have control of trucking, oil, and food. You could put a stranglehold on them and end this in a matter of days. You could come together and take it back. You could stop relying on someone to fix things for you. You can stop waiting for the same lawyers who destroyed your country to fix it for you. Look at history, evil usually wins. You could do what your founding fathers said. It's time for the Tree of Liberty to be refreshed. That's what you must do. Risk your life for your freedom, or die a slave. What do you need to see for you to wake up to reality? 2 weeks and Biden marches on into office with complete Democrat control of Government. What will you do then?

Anonymous ID: 0e13e7 Jan. 9, 2021, 7:51 p.m. No.12436742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6762 >>6860

You have a few days left for an Unconstitutional military Coup and are thinking that they had to allow the election to be stolen for some insane reason.


Denial. Will you wake up after Biden is in office?