Anonymous ID: 3e0cef Jan. 9, 2021, 9:10 p.m. No.12438033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8044 >>8048 >>8055 >>8068 >>8086 >>8090 >>8141 >>8149 >>8166 >>8170 >>8200 >>8215 >>8268 >>8525 >>8550

Cernovich is tweeting non stop about Q being for idiots and that we all have been fooled, I mean MANY tweets and many replies.

In my view this is great.

Millions of people in the last few days are talking about Q good or bad.

Many never have even heard of Q before tonight.

Mockery is intense.

The end will not be for everyone, but it still will be glorious.

Talk about being the 1%.

I am comfy, never once have I waivered, nor will I.


Things are going to get WILD.









Quote Tweet

Lord Andy Willetts


· 9m

Replying to @Cernovich

Not about Trump. It's about ALL OF US.






If you’re sending me Lin Wood Parler parlays and asking me I’d they are real


- Sorry, you’re too far gone for me.


God will never give up on you, but I will.






I’m doing this for the people who want to leave the cult but don’t want to feel like some boot licking National Review (funded by Google) or glibertarian.


There’s another way.


Not for most or even many.


But it’s the path forward.






One of his supporters was shot in the neck and died. Others have been killed or beaten for wearing MAGA hats. I think that’s all worse than big meanie articles. Then again - I’m not in a cult.

Quote Tweet

Go Trump Flag of United States


· 47m

Replying to @ramshaaleeze and @Cernovich

President Trump got the sh*t kicked out of him by the media, big tech, Republicans and democrats but still woke up everyday fighting to help Americans. Not one supporter has ever gone through what he has. So cut the non sense out.






Am I happy this is happening to Trump?




He’s being treated like his regular supporters have been for years.


There is cosmic justice in this.







Why do you think Trump isn’t calling into every show?


He’s been told to stand down.


Senate doesn’t want to be forced to make that vote.


He stays quiet and he gets to leave on his own.

Quote Tweet



· 1h

Folks I told you the Senate has needed GOP votes to convict.


Multiple sources confirmed it and now Toomey is saying he’s one of them.


Trump is done. He’s going to hide out and hope this doesn’t happen.


Dog walked out of WH.

Anonymous ID: 3e0cef Jan. 9, 2021, 9:10 p.m. No.12438044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8066 >>8068







Senator Toomey goes public confirming my reporting.


Source confirms: Senate had the needed Republican votes to convict Trump in impeachment trial.


“Don’t expect Trump to do any interesting pardons. He’s been told the votes are there but that it’s suicide for GOP to be put into that position. Would split party in half.”


I am, for all practical purposes, friendless in politics. I would never share the Q / cult stuff for Trump. Don’t want to be a Never Trump conservative cuck. Won’t apologize or submit to our new far left wing overlords.


To be honest.


Feel good!






People with no talent or options be like, “WTF, I would totally work for Trump!”

Quote Tweet



· 1h

People saying Trump is a martyr don’t realize how much she Pile of poo his pants by going after Mike Pence.


If you have real talent, you want nowhere near that guy after that move.


Yep. The Pence stuff was over the line - even my own.


Especially given the death threats Lin Wood incited.


Pence of all people deserved better.


I was a longtime Pence non-fan.


But right is right.






A lot of you got conned and don’t wanna hear that. It’s fine. Go on and get scammed more.

Quote Tweet



· 4h

Replying to @Cernovich

There's no good way for me to say this….. you've become a dickhead as of late. Not the usual Cerno I've grown to appreciate'






Trump’s remaining supporters - ones foolish enough to wear MAGA gear in public - are the most socially awkward and unaware. That’s all that’s left.

Quote Tweet

When you hire the Swamp, you get the Swamp!


· 5h

Replying to @Cernovich

WTF are those idiots expecting?

Are they Q people in denial?






They nuked anyone with W W G thing in their bios. That’s why so many accounts were purged.

Quote Tweet

Marc J. Randazza


· 5h

why the fuck did they ban Ben Garrison?







Yes! That’s why I roll eyes when people call me grifter. I’ve done nothing but explain why all of this stuff is nonsense. Q stuff for years. And just got called Mossad, traitor, and everything else.

Quote Tweet

Jeremy Decentralized


· 5h

Replying to @Cernovich

seems it would be easily to grift these people and milk them dry but thats morally repulsive to me.






The Italy stuff is fake too.




What has happened to your brains?


How many more ridiculous things are you going to believe before you accept you were made damn fools of with Krakens and Dominion severs.

Quote Tweet



· 5h

There was no shootout in Germany.


No Kraken.


VP couldn’t reverse electors votes.


There was never a plan.


I am just stunned at the stuff some of you have been buying into and still buying into.







Since 3 days after election I said Biden would be in WH.


Not to kiss butt, but to keep y’all grounded. There was never any chance of Trump staying in office.


I am seeing so many of you post complete nonsense.


Friends of mine even.


There was no plan, you got conned, move on.

Quote Tweet



· Nov 7, 2020

Trump was the most consequential POTUS in U.S. history and unlike W Bush, Romney, or McCain - he’s left the party stronger than he found it.


Yes Trump will concede.


It will be peaceful, and then it’s onward to Georgia and the 2022 mid-terms.

Anonymous ID: 3e0cef Jan. 9, 2021, 9:10 p.m. No.12438048   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8064 >>8068 >>8081



Cerno Retweeted

John Cardillo




You’re not “watching a movie.”


There is no mind blowing plot twist coming.


Trump made some of the worst personnel decisions in presidential history, never pressured Congress to rein in big tech, never used his power on his enemies, and now you’re seeing the end result.


Cerno Retweeted

Let's Start Our Own MAGA CHAZ!




Lin Wood should’ve been removed. Calling for violence against the Vice President (or anyone) is illegal. That’s what he did. He is not a free speech victim.






I said this in 2015-2016. Hence why I’d never “fight for Trump.” lol. He was useful tool but never worth admiring let alone risking life or liberty for.

Quote Tweet

When you hire the Swamp, you get the Swamp!


· 7h

Replying to @Cernovich

Trump never gave a rat's ass about his supporters.

For years, he ignored his supporters getting attacked.


It struck a nerve in me since the San Jose riots.


He let the FBI/DOJ go after everyone around him and acted powerless.


He cares even less about Assange/Snowden.






They can laugh at my Tweet’s, but not Trump’s - at least not anymore.

Quote Tweet



· 7h

Replying to @Cernovich and @DarrenJBeattie

This is why people laugh at you lol Smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes

Anonymous ID: 3e0cef Jan. 9, 2021, 9:13 p.m. No.12438086   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8090 >>8200



Cerno re-tweeting mocking of Q


I say: We'll see



Cerno Retweeted



I'm so glad now that we made an Honest Government Ad about QAnon & post-election shitfuckery. At the time I wondered if the crazyarse shit we thought might unfold after a Trump loss was far-fetched. Turns out we could've thrown in shamans & neonazis too


Honest Government Ad | Q

The US Government has made an ad about QAnon and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.

Anonymous ID: 3e0cef Jan. 9, 2021, 9:16 p.m. No.12438141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8149 >>8360


No even hopium on my part

I really have not waivered

I have seen to much

I really do trust the plan

even though i have only guesses as to how it ends


for those of you who have doubts

If Q is not real

the entire country is fucked forever

sleep well

Anonymous ID: 3e0cef Jan. 9, 2021, 9:20 p.m. No.12438215   🗄️.is 🔗kun



the one thing i will add

cerno could be on our side?

or not?


either way he is gettin eyes on all the way back to pizzagate


which iwas and still is real


james alefantis and podesta and marina abromovich shit is real

and cerno knws this and was there in the thick of it


he may just be playing things as a fence sitter

and whichever way the wind blows to keep eyes on from both sides and keep a large following readinghis shit

then they go research for themselves


so either way I am not mad at cernovich


he has got so many normies just coming out to look

Anonymous ID: 3e0cef Jan. 9, 2021, 9:34 p.m. No.12438488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8519 >>8521 >>8569



huge if true



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Anonymous ID: 3e0cef Jan. 9, 2021, 9:43 p.m. No.12438655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8682






Here Am I


On the other side of the world

She stands on the ocean shore

Gazing at the heavens

She wonders, is there something more

Never been told the name of Jesus

She turns and walks away

What a shame [oh yeahh]Just across the street in your hometown

Leaving from his nine-to-five

Gazing down the road

He wonders, is this all there is to life

Never been told the name of Jesus

He continues on his way

What a shame [oh yeahh]

Whom shall I send?

Who will go for me?

To the ends of the earth

Who will rise up for their King

Here am I, send me

Here am I, send meWhether foreign land or neighbors

Everyone's the same

Searching for the answers

That lie within your name

I wanna proclaim the love of Jesus

In all I do and say, Unashamed [oh yeahh]Whom shall I send?

Who will go for me?

To the ends of the earth

Who will rise up for their King

Here am I, send me

Here am I, send me

How beautiful are feet of those who bring good news

Proclaiming peace and your salvationWhom shall I send

Who will go for me

To the ends of the earth

Who will rise up for their King

Here am I, send me

Here am I, send me

Here am I, send me