BAKER ID: 35a4c4 @300 Jan. 10, 2021, 6:59 a.m. No.12443805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3876

>>12443447 Dough



>>12443483 Handoff Confirmed (Baker Change)

>>12442960 Quebec Is Now Under the Equivalent of COVID ‘Martial Law

>>12443541 Report CodeMonkeyZ

>>12443545 Lin Wood dropped

>>12443581 Media outlets in a panic? (Anon opines)

>>12443585 Pope’s doctor dies from COVID-19 complications

>>12443628 Proof that Ashli Babbit was not shot in the neck or anywhere at all

>>12443649 DARPA Lifelog

>>12443520, >>12443677, >12443774

Pope arrested on 80 count indictment for Child Trafficking, Fraud?

>>12443678 UPDATE: DC Officer Sicknick’s Death was Driven by Medical Condition

>>12443696, >>12443743 PF Report

>>12443647 Today 49BC Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon

>>12443762 Warning: My fellow Americans (Anon Opines)