Amazon is booting Parler at midnight….supposedly Apple will remove Parler from your devices during an update
I told ya nerds are the real Nazis…..always were…..fat punks
Amazon is booting Parler at midnight….supposedly Apple will remove Parler from your devices during an update
I told ya nerds are the real Nazis…..always were…..fat punks
Dissolve all Police Dept…replace with patriots
Bye Jack……if ya got his stock your fucked
Was Gina with da Pope?
Drone tech, swarm tech, stealth tech
Called an arms race…..they all end the same way
Drones make ground forces obsolete
Sue apple and we all get our money back…..make sure to file in a state where consumer fraud is automatically multiplied 3x the court settlement amount
Like NJ
Black soldier larvae….yeah that’s maggots
They ruined that idea…..pushing a cargo container full of apple products into harbor just not the same
Shut your router off tonite
I have a scanner….gets the alerts