Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:21 a.m. No.12445862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5881 >>5933 >>5968 >>6044 >>6131 >>6212 >>6319 >>6411 >>6465 >>6550 >>6576

‘I will not suffer Q people’: Alex Jones wins MSM plaudits for venting fury at QAnon in viral clip


Right-wing commentator Alex Jones has blasted the QAnon conspiracy theory in his own characteristic style, creating a viral clip that quickly racked up over one million views and won the controversial pundit some unlikely praise.


As America continues to pick over the bones of Wednesday’s riot at the US Capitol building, the QAnon phenomenon is coming under even greater scrutiny as blame and retribution is doled out.


The conspiracy theory, which is popular among some right-wing circles, claims that there is a vast cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles secretly operating the levers of power in the United States. Adherents long-held President Donald Trump in very high regard, believing that he was battling against the powerful predators.


On InfoWars, Jones cut-off a Q-affiliated guest and called them “full of s**t” before launching into one of the dramatic tirades that made him famous.


wtf i love Alex Jones now

— Jade Parker (@CybereVitas) January 9, 2021


“Because every goddamn thing out of you people’s mouths doesn’t come true. And it’s always ‘Oh, there’s energy’ or ‘Oh, now we’re done with Trump,” Jones said, in dramatic arm-flailing fashion.


You said he was the messiah! You said he was invincible! You said that it was all over. That they were going to Gitmo. And now that he’s part of a larger thing of Q.


“I will not suffer your Q people after this,” Jones continued, pointing directly into the camera. “I knew what you were day one, I know what you are now, and I’m sick of it.”


Back in 2018, Jones got an early version of what President Trump experienced this week, finding himself permanently booted off many online platforms, including Facebook and Twitter.


Alex Jones is now the voice of reason. We’ve reached singularity.

— Ryan Boger (@rboger12) January 10, 2021


However, he briefly became a mainstream media darling for his QAnon hot-take, which was shared on Twitter by a host of journalists and media personalities from several major news outlets including the Washington Post and MSNBC.


“It’s been a really dark week in many ways, and laughing this hard is good for the soul,” TV anchor Chris Hayes said.


“I will not suffer you Q people after this,” says Alex Jones. Wild.

— Gene Park (@GenePark) January 10, 2021


How is Alex Jones not a Senator?

— Mattathias Schwartz (@Schwartzesque) January 9, 2021


The clip of the spiel quickly racked up over 1.6 million views and thousands of shares as many enjoyed Jones’ energetic dismissal of QAnon and heralded him as an unlikely “voice of reason”.


The footage even inspired a quick remix, another medium for which Jones has become famous.


I remixed that video of Alex Jones breaking up with Qanon.

— Jonathan Mann (@songadaymann) January 10, 2021

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:23 a.m. No.12445893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6044 >>6212 >>6319 >>6411 >>6465 >>6550 >>6576

Food Price Inflation Accelerates For Seventh Consecutive Month


Is it time to worry about food inflation?


The Food and Agriculture Organization's Food Price Index rose for a seventh consecutive month in December, led by dairy products and vegetable oils.


The FAO Food Price Index averaged 107.5 points last month versus 105.2 points in November.


The benchmark, which tracks global food prices of cereals, oilseeds, dairy products, meat, and sugar, averaged 97.9 points for 2020, a three-year high, and a 3.1% rise from 2019 levels.


The global food index was still down 25% from its historical high reached in 2011.


Vegetable oil prices saw the most significant jump, up 4.7% month-on-month in December after surging more than 14.0% in November. The index was up 19.1% in 2020 over the prior year.


FAO explained that soaring vegetable oil prices are due to "ongoing supply tightness in major palm oil-producing countries. International trade was affected by a sharp hike in export duties in Indonesia. International prices for soy oil rose in part due to prolonged strikes in Argentina that impacted both crushing activity and port logistics."


Cereal prices rose 1.1% from November and for all of 2020 averaged 6.6% over the prior year. The reason for the increase is that export prices for wheat, maize, sorghum, and rice all rose last month due to growing condition concerns in North and South America and the Russian Federation.


Earlier this week, we highlighted drought conditions materialized in Argentina resulted in corn (maize) prices trading in Chicago surging to 6-1/2 year highs.


Rome-based FAO said the dairy index increased 3.2% on the month, but for the year, it was flat compared to 2019.

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:24 a.m. No.12445921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6044 >>6212 >>6227 >>6319 >>6411 >>6465 >>6550 >>6576

Dirtbag Michael Cohen Says He Is Working with Democrats to Provide Testimony Against Trump and the Trump Family


Democrats want to punish President Trump. They want him ruined.

These evil bastards are sending a message to all Americans — Don’t you ever think about challenging our power! We will destroy you!


Democrats will not be satisfied until the entire Trump family is ruined.

It does not matter that President Trump is the most successful sitting president in history with the most votes of any president, Republican or Democrat.


Cohen is not the best witness.

He has a record of lying under oath.



NBC News reported:


Democratic leaders in Congress will move on newly drafted articles of impeachment as soon as next week against President Donald Trump if he doesn’t first resign, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said.


The news comes as Pelosi, D-Calif., reiterated her and presumptive Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s, D-N.Y., demand in a letter to her caucus Friday afternoon that Vice President Mike Pence invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office before President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:26 a.m. No.12445945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5958 >>6044 >>6212 >>6319 >>6411 >>6465 >>6550 >>6576

Scanning digital health QR code becomes OBLIGATORY for passengers using ride-hailing services in Beijing


Using a ride-hailing service in Beijing, such as Uber or local Didi Chuxing, won’t be possible without scanning your health QR code, the city authorities said amid a spike in Covid-19 cases in nearby Hebei province.


Starting from Monday, drivers will be able to deny services to those who refuse to show and scan their QR codes, the state-run Global Times newspaper reported.


The color-based health QR code system was introduced in Beijing and more than 100 other cities in February to help curb the spread of the coronavirus, which was first reported in China's Wuhan more than a month earlier.


The app automatically generates a code for the user. A 'green' one means they are free roam around the capital, while 'yellow' and 'red' codes call for self-isolation or supervised quarantine.


The color codes have already become part of daily life in Beijing as they're required for entering restaurants and shopping malls, and buying plane and train tickets among other things. More than 29 million people have signed up for the health code app, the authorities said in June, which is several millions more than Beijing's total population.


The system was implemented despite concerns over privacy and fears that mistakes could result in healthy people being restricted. It also complicated life for the elderly, who aren't always as tech-savvy as younger generations.


Beijing recently tightened its Covid-19 restrictions after a new cluster of the virus was discovered in Hebei, the province surrounding the capital. Out of 69 new coronavirus cases reported in China on Sunday, 46 were in Hebei.


Earlier this week, Beijing closed all places of worship and restricted access to a highway leading to Hebei's main city of Shijiazhuang, while also continuing with large-scale testing of the population.

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:28 a.m. No.12445975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5982 >>6044 >>6063 >>6139 >>6212 >>6319 >>6411 >>6465 >>6550 >>6576

Quebec Is Now Under the Equivalent of COVID ‘Martial Law’ – No One is Allowed on the Streets after 8pm Till 5am


Welcome to COVID submission.


Quebec Canada has instituted the equivalent of Martial Law in response to COVID.


Citizens in the province of Quebec are under police rule. Every night from 8pm to 5am no one is allowed on the streets:


The police blow their sirens in residential neighborhoods to enforce the submission:


This is next. People are giving up freedom to submit to insane actions from the government.

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:29 a.m. No.12445983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6044 >>6212 >>6319 >>6411 >>6465 >>6550 >>6576

Pro-China Authorities Block HK-Protest Website Simultaneous With US Big Tech's Own Crackdown


It appears Beijing and Hong Kong's pro-mainland security services have been little deterred by the recent targeted Trump administration sanctions of officials involved in enforcing the controversial national security law, designed to essentially given Hong Kong carte blanche in cracking down on local independence related activism.


This past week authorities moved for the first time to block access to a popular website used by Hong Kong-based activists. According to Reuters:


The website, HKChronicles, said it began receiving reports from Hong Kong-based users saying they were no longer able to access the site as of late Wednesday.


"After discussing and investigating with our supporters, we found that some ISPs of Hong Kong have deliberately dropped any connection to our servers, so that the user could not receive replies from our servers, resulting in an inability to access our content," chief editor Naomi Chan said in a statement.


And further, South China Morning Post is now confirming on Sunday that "Hong Kong police had invoked the city’s national security law for the first time to block HKChronicles."


"The police force had started asking ISPs to halt access, citing Article 43 of the law, the newspaper reported," Reuters continues.


The blocked access appears to have corresponded with the latest spate of arrests that shook the semi-autonomous city starting on Wednesday, wherein prominent activists like Joshua Wong reportedly had their homes raided. An American lawyer was also detained.


The timing is fascinating given what's now happening in the United States in the wake of this week's Capitol Hill chaos. Big American tech and social media companies like Google, Apple, and Facebook are acting in concert to ban not only President Trump, but also undertake a mass purge of conservative and 'alt-news' accounts.


Chinese, Russian, as well as independent media have lately called attention to the US double standard when it comes to how mass protests and the storming of government buildings are treated and presented in foreign countries vs. at home.


Must watch video shows the identical nature of US-government funded rioters who stormed the Hong Kong legislature and Trump’s mob that rioted in the US capitol. Via @taro_taylor

— Dan Cohen (@dancohen3000) January 9, 2021

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:32 a.m. No.12446041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6212 >>6319 >>6411 >>6465 >>6550 >>6576

VIDEO: Antifa mob attacks Trump supporters in San Diego


But Joe Biden said 'Antifa's an idea'


An unlawful assembly was declared in San Diego on Saturday after violence sprang up when a mob of Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters clashed with Trump supporters during the group's "Patriot March" in southern California.


KSWB-TV photojournalist Paul Makarushka captured the moment when a horde of apparent Antifa members, at least one wielding a baseball bat, converged upon a handful of conservatives.


"[T]rump supporters clash with BLM and antifa on the boardwalk in PB," Makarushka tweeted. "Heavy police presence some fights and scuffles. Pepper spray etc (not from pd)."


#breaking trump supporters clash with BLM and antifa on the boardwalk in PB. Heavy police presence some fights and…

— Paul makarushka (@Paul makarushka)1610230999.0


Left Coast Right Watch, a self-described "CA-based news site covering right-wing extremism," was documenting the chaos on Twitter and gleefully wrote, "Oooooh some Nazis got beat."


Patrick T. Fallon, staff photojournalist for AFP, documented some of the images of the violent Saturday in San Diego. A shirtless man has an open wound on his face and blood on his shoulder as a group of black bloc comrades are seen in the background. One member of the gang is seen spraying an unidentified liquid from a water gun into the faces of two men.


One man was seen with a knife in his hand, "which apparently led to counter-protesters using the bear spray/pepper spray."


A mob was seen waving an "Antifascist Action" flag and holding a sign that read: "ASHLI BABBITT DESERVED IT." Ashli Babbitt was the Trump supporter and 14-year Air Force veteran from San Diego who stormed the Capitol building last week and was fatally shot.


There were also many people dressed in all-black waving Black Lives Matter flags.


Early on someone not with the counter protesters pulled this knife which apparently led to counter-protesters using…

— Patrick T. Fallon (@Patrick T. Fallon)1610246320.0


Eventually it became mostly a standoff between the smaller Trump demonstration and the counter-protesters separated…

— Patrick T. Fallon (@Patrick T. Fallon)1610246324.0


"Lots of confrontation, pepper spray, chanting, and folks just going to the beach as counter protesters faced off with pro-Trump 'Patriot March' demonstrators in #PacificBeach #SanDiego today," Fallon wrote on Twitter.


Dozens of police officers dressed in riot gear were dispatched to the Pacific Beach boardwalk to stop the unrest.


At around 5:30 p.m., an unlawful assembly was declared by the San Diego Police "due to acts of: Violence." The San Diego Police Department reported that rioters threw glass bottles, rocks eggs, and other objects at officers. Dissenters also used pepper spray on the cops.


When rocks, bottles, pepper spray and other objects are thrown or used on our officers, actions will be taken again…

— San Diego Police Department (@San Diego Police Department)1610240164.0


A little after 9 p.m., authorities announced that "All the groups have left the area." The SDPD has not yet announced any arrests stemming from Saturday's disorder.


In September, President-elect Joe Biden infamously declared, "Antifa's an idea."

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:34 a.m. No.12446081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6212 >>6319 >>6411 >>6465 >>6550 >>6576

CIA Conspiracy to Flood Black Communities with Crack Exposed in Explosive Netflix Documentary


Richard Nixon, in his effort to silence black people and antiwar activists, brought the War on Drugs into full force in 1973. He then signed Reorganization Plan No. 2, which established the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Over the course of five decades, this senseless war has waged on. At a cost of over $1 trillion — ruining and ending countless lives in the process — America’s drug war has created a drug problem that is worse now than ever before.


This is no coincidence.


For years, those of us who’ve been paying attention have seen who profits from this inhumane war — the police state and cartels.


This horrendously corrupt and violent drug war has gotten so bad, that it is getting pushed into the mainstream. In a Netflix Documentary that will be released this month, Stanley Nelson explores how the mainstream media and the CIA worked together to push crack in black neighborhoods across the country, creating a hellish prison state.


Promising to be one of the most explosive documentaries in recent history, the show touches on the CIA’s connection to the crack epidemic. According to an article from the Daily Beast who screened the documentary before its release on January 11, the documentary’s broad scope ties racial and economic disparities; inner city poverty and crime; media reporting and sensationalism; political and legislative campaigning and action; mass incarceration and exploitation; and personal and communal responsibility together to paint a devastating picture of the American drug conspiracy.


Cops’ disinterest in combating crack’s infiltration into Black American communities gets brief mention, as does the police’s corrupt participation in the drug economy, be it by stealing or taking payoffs from dealers. No in-depth investigation into this is forthcoming, alas; it’s merely another of the doc’s many bullet points to be dealt with in fleeting fashion. That’s also true of the long-standing theory—first popularized by a 1996 San Jose Mercury News series of articles—that the CIA was either tacitly or actively responsible for the 1980s influx of cocaine and crack into the American inner city, through its efforts to help fund Nicaragua’s Contras in their war against the Sandinista government. A quick history lesson about the Iran-Contra scandal, married to clips of a 1996 Watts, California town hall meeting in which Black American citizens railed against then-CIA chief John M. Deutch, suggests—along with National Security Archives senior analyst Peter Kornbluh’s bold interview claims—that the U.S. government is chiefly to blame for crack’s ubiquity.


If the CIA trafficking cocaine into the United States sounds like some tin foil conspiracy theory, think again. Their role in the drug trade was exposed in 1996 in a critical investigative series “Dark Alliance” by Gary Webb for the San Jose Mercury News. The investigation, headed up by Webb revealed ties between the CIA, Nicaraguan contras and the crack cocaine trade ravaging African-American communities.


The investigation provoked massive protests and congressional hearings, as well as overt backlash from the mainstream media to discredit Webb’s reporting. However, decades later, officials would come forward to back Webb’s original investigation up.

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:35 a.m. No.12446107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6213 >>6259 >>6328

Apple & Hyundai to start production of self-driving electric ‘iCar’ in 2024 – reports


South Korean carmaker Hyundai and US tech giant Apple may soon finalize their rumored deal on autonomous electric cars, with vehicles expected to roll off the production line in three years, according to a local media report.


With negotiations between the two companies in full swing, the duo is expected to reach a final agreement by March, local newspaper Korea IT News reported on Sunday, citing industry sources. The outlet says the cars will be produced at a plant in the US, operated by Hyundai affiliate Kia Motors. They plan to roll out some 100,000 vehicles in 2024 – three years earlier than suggested in previous reports.


The news on the potential tie-up between electric cars and batteries sent Hyundai stock soaring on Friday. Its shares jumped around 20 percent, adding about $8 billion to the company’s market cap, while those in its affiliate, Kia Motors, the second-largest car manufacturer in South Korea, surged by over eight percent.


Apple shares did not see such an enormous rally on the last trading day of the week, but its investors had already reacted to news that the tech giant was finally moving forward with plans to get into the auto market at the end of December.


Hyundai was the first to mention the new partnership in a statement, saying discussion with the iPhone maker was ongoing, but noting that nothing had been decided thus far. Despite confirming to some outlets that talks with the US tech giant had taken place, it then backed away from its earlier statement, however, and merely said in a regulatory filing that it had received “requests for cooperation on joint development of autonomous electric vehicles from various companies.”


Investors nonetheless appear to have quickly shrugged off any initial confusion after Friday’s announcement.

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:36 a.m. No.12446121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6212 >>6319 >>6411 >>6465 >>6550 >>6576

'It needs to stop': Candace Owens suing Facebook fact-checker 'funded by arm of Communist Party of China'


'This is insanity. It's un-American. It's dangerous.'


There has been a lot of talk about big tech censorship following the permanent Twitter ban of President Donald Trump and the loss of thousands of conservative voices during the subsequent "Twitter purge." While many social media users are looking for new apps to migrate to that are more friendly to free speech, Candace Owens doesn't appear to be going anywhere. Instead, she is fighting back against social media censorship.


In November, Owens announced that she was launching a lawsuit against Facebook's fact-checkers. "It is time to fact-check the fact-checkers," Owens declared.


Ownes alleged that the fact-checkers are "activists for the left that shut down your speech if they don't like it." The conservative firebrand claimed her Facebook page was unfairly demonetized, and was she was suing the fact-checkers for defamation.


In less than two weeks after announcing the lawsuit, one of Facebook's third-party fact-checkers was forced to issue a correction. Politifact, one of Facebook's biggest fact-checkers, had to retract a "false" rating it labeled one of Candace's posts about Joe Biden.


Owens delivered an update on her fight against big tech censorship on Saturday. The political and cultural commentator released a new video on Saturday, where she announced a new target that she has set her sights on.


"Well, I'm suing a site called 'Lead Stories," Owens said in the video. "Lead Stories is run by a former CNN employee of 26 years, who makes a living cannibalizing and slandering conservative content and creators."


"His website has published disputed fake news stories, including one that went after my content personally, so I'm going after him…personally," Candace said.


"Who funds Lead Stories? According to their own masthead, Lead Stories is funded by Facebook and Google, along with ByteDance," Owens explained. "And what is ByteDance? It's a Beijing-based company that owns the TikTok spyware app. Our own Justice Department says the company is a 'national security threat and compromised by the Communist Party of China.'"


"Facebook then is paying for fact-checkers funded by an arm of the Communist Party of China to censor my content, here, in America. The Communist Party of China had more say over my content than the First Amendment," she added. "This is insanity. It's un-American. It's dangerous. And it needs to stop. This is why I am fighting."


Owens launched the Fact-Check Zuck site for her legal battle against Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg.


Everyone please take the time to watch this video and to SHARE it. It has important information regarding these “fa…

— Candace Owens (@Candace Owens)1610219504.0


In September, Justice Department lawyers said ByteDance CEO Zhang Yiming has made public statements showing he is "committed to promoting" the agenda of the Chinese Communist Party, as reported by NPR.


The White House recognized ByteDance as a potential security risk because of CCP ties in August:


TikTok, a video-sharing mobile application owned by the Chinese company ByteDance Ltd., has reportedly been downloaded over 175 million times in the United States and over one billion times globally. TikTok automatically captures vast swaths of information from its users, including Internet and other network activity information such as location data and browsing and search histories. This data collection threatens to allow the Chinese Communist Party access to Americans' personal and proprietary information — potentially allowing China to track the locations of Federal employees and contractors, build dossiers of personal information for blackmail, and conduct corporate espionage.


Trump threatened to ban ByteDance's TikTok app in September, but the parties involved reached a deal a month later.

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:38 a.m. No.12446162   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6212 >>6244 >>6319 >>6411 >>6465 >>6550 >>6576

Constitutional Attorney Says Pence, Congress, Violated Constitution, Trump Can Use EAS To Circumvent Censorship


"There is an insurrection going on inside of the entire government, funded, supported and fomented by foreign actors," said Attorney Ivan Raiklin.


Speaking exclusively with National File on January 7, Constitutional Attorney Ivan Raiklin explained that President Donald Trump’s “only option” to defend the Constitution is to “activate the Emergency Alert System.” This comes as Big Tech companies have banned President Trump and many of his supporters from using their platforms just days after Congress certified the fraudulent Electoral College results on January 6.

He also pointed out multiple Constitutional violations by states, Congress, and Vice President Mike Pence.


“Everyone consummated the violations to the Constitution across the board,” said Raiklin.


According to Raiklin’s legal analysis, the states violated the Constitution on December 14 when they sent their slates of electors to Congress.


You had the fraud going on at the precinct level. The states violated Article 1, Section 4, which is time, manner and place of running federal elections. They went outside those bounds.


Then Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2, the states violated that component of the Constitution, which is the Electors Clause, because they didn’t select their electors in the manner that the state legislatures mandated under their election laws.


Then you have Article 4, Section 2, which is the Supremacy Clause of Constitution, meaning that the Constitution and federal laws supercede any state laws in contravention to that federal law, by running their elections in the manner that they did and it goes alongside of Article 1, Section 4.


Also, they violated the 14th amendment, the individual folks that legally and legitimately voted, because their votes were diluted by the fraud. It could’ve only just been one dead person, at the end of the day it occurred and they need to have pristine elections, and that’s not what happened.


He also said that Vice President Pence violated the Constitution on December 23, by not sending a letter to those states, demanding that they correct the fraud. As National File reported, US Code actually prohibited Pence from accepting electoral votes from fraudulently certified states. Additionally, Raiklin said that Pence violated the Constitution a second time on January 6 by “not setting up an environment to correct the fraudulently certified electoral slates from these six contested states.”


“The United States Congress yesterday, facilitated the violation of all those parts of Constitution and in addition to that, they violated the 5th amendment, the Due Process clause, because the 5th amendment applies to the federal government. I’d argue that they also violated the 12th amendment, the manor that they voted in the House on the objections,” said Raiklin.

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:41 a.m. No.12446222   🗄️.is 🔗kun

COVER UP: Chinese Communist Party Officials Delete Wuhan Lab Data, Erase COVID Studies


Appearing to evidence another Chinese Communist Party COVID-19 cover up effort, the Wuhan Institute of Virology has scrubbed hundreds of studies from its site.


Details of over 300 studies, many of which focus on investigating diseases that transfer from animals to humans, are missing from the state-run National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).


The NSFC also deleted all references to studies carried out by Shi Zhengli, the Wuhan-based virologist dubbed “Batwoman” in light of her trips to collect samples in bat caves.


The purge follows the Wuhan lab altering its database of viral pathogens in December 2019 as COVID-19 began to spread.

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:42 a.m. No.12446236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6319 >>6326 >>6411 >>6465 >>6550 >>6576

House Democrat Hakeem Jeffries Demands Removal of ‘Treasonous’ Donald Trump


U.S. House Democratic chair Hakeem Jeffries on Saturday set out his plans to remove U.S. President Donald Trump from office, saying the occupant of the White House is guilty of inciting sedition.


Calling President Trump “treasonous” and “a clear and present danger,” Jeffries (D-NY) made his call on the steps of New York City Hall.


“Donald Trump must be removed from office immediately, he should be impeached, convicted and thrown out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and forever banished to the dustbin of history,” said Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, chair of the House Democratic Caucus.


Trump has just 11 days left in office, but Jeffries said every hour poses a potential danger.


End the nightmare.


— Hakeem Jeffries (@RepJeffries) January 10, 2021


Jeffries then made clear the process he intends to follow, saying “On Monday, a privileged resolution will be introduced that will charge the President of the United States with inciting sedition.”


“He should resign immediately. He is a clear threat to our democracy,” Rep. Carolyn Maloney, chair of the House Oversight Committee, said in support of Jeffries.


Mayor Bill de Blasio added his voice to the chorus of disapproval, saying “Anyone who is that treasonous, anyone who has lost control of his mental abilities as to start an insurrection against the United States should not have his finger on the nuclear button.”

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:43 a.m. No.12446251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6319 >>6411 >>6465 >>6542 >>6550 >>6576

Ocasio-Cortez: Trump Must Be Held Accountable — ‘We Came Close to Half of the House Nearly Dying’


Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” called on President Donald Trump to be held accountable for the riots at Capitol Hill last week.


Ocasio-Cortez said, “I absolutely believe that impeachment should be scheduled for several reasons. One, of course, our main priority is to ensure the removal of Donald Trump as president of the United States. Every minute and every hour that he’s in office represents a clear and present danger not just to the United States Congress but frankly to the country. But in addition to removal, we’re also talking about complete barring of the president, of Donald Trump from running for office ever again and in addition to that, the potential ability to prevent pardoning himself from those charges that he was impeached for.”


She added, “We have to understand that what happened on Wednesday was insurrection against the United States. That is what Donald J. Trump engaged in, and that is what those who stormed the Capitol engaged in. The process of healing is separate and, in fact, requires accountability. And so if we allow insurrection against the United States to happen with impunity, with no accountability, we are inviting it to happen again. That’s how serious it is. I don’t believe that perhaps my colleagues weren’t in that room, perhaps my colleagues were not fully present for the events on Wednesday, but we came close to half of the House nearly dying on Wednesday. If a foreign head of state, if another head of state came in and ordered an attack on the United States Congress, would we say that should not be prosecuted? Would we say there should be no response to that? No. It’s an act of insurrection. It’s an act of hostility, and we must have accountability because, without it, it will happen again.”

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:43 a.m. No.12446256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6319 >>6411 >>6465 >>6550 >>6576

Sen. Toomey: Trump Committed Impeachable Acts, Faces Possible Criminal Liability


Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that President Donald Trump did commit impeachable acts by inciting the riot on Capitol Hill last week.


Host Jake Tapper said, “Your Republican colleague Senator Murkowski of Alaska says President Trump should resign. She said, quote, ‘He’s caused enough damage.’ Do you agree?


Toomey said, “Yeah, I do. I think at this point, with just a few days left, it’s the best path forward, the best way to get this person in the rearview mirror for us that could happen immediately. I’m not optimistic it will. But I think that would be the best way forward.”


Tapper asked, “Do you think the president should be impeached? Would you vote to remove him from office?”


Toomey said, “I think the president did commit impeachable offenses. There is little doubt in my mind about that. I don’t know. As a practical matter, it is actually possible to do an impeachment in the handful of days that are left. It is likely if the House does pass Articles of Impeachment, we wouldn’t get them until — I don’t know Tuesday or Wednesday. We are less than one week to go at that point. I am also not at all clear that it is constitutionally permissible to impeach someone after they have left office. So there may not be a viable impeachment route at this point. But certainly, he could resign, and that would be a very good outcome.”


He added, “I think there is also a possibility that there is criminal liability here.”

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:45 a.m. No.12446280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6319 >>6411 >>6465 >>6550 >>6576

UK Paid £150m to Chinese Concentration Camp Connected Companies for Covid PPE


The British government sent nearly £150 million to firms connected to the concentration camp regime in the Chinese region of Xinjiang for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during the coronavirus outbreak in the UK.


The government paid out £122 million alone to Winner Medica, which supplies some of its cotton from the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), a paramilitary group that has been barred from selling in the United States following accusations of slave labour.


The government also shelled out £19m contract to the pharmaceutical company China Meheco and another £16.5 million to Sinopharm. Both companies have been linked to slave labour camps in the region, according to The Telegraph.


China Meheco lists the XPCC as a company used for “labour services” in its “account payable” ledger, while Sinopharm is listed as being involved in the Xinjiang Labour Transfer Programme, which has been accused of the forced relocation of Uyghurs throughout China.


The PPE contracts to the Chinese firms continued into May, well after the initial panic buying phase of the first wave of the coronavirus.


Survivors of the camps in Xinjiang have reported widespread sterilisation of women, as well as torture, rape, and organ harvesting.


UK Paid £320 Million to CCP Linked Firms During China Virus Outbreak


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 21, 2020


In September, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) attempted to rebrand the concentration camps with a lighter image, claiming that the purpose of the camps was the “facilitation of employment“, and accused the United States of trying to inflict “forced poverty” on the region for opposing them.


The Conservative Pary chairman of the British Foreign Affairs Select Committee, Tom Tugendhat MP, said: “Slavery was abolished under British law almost 200 years ago but now it’s alive and well in Xinjiang making us complicit in some of the worst human rights abuses and undercutting legal suppliers. We need to use the G7 to set global standards stopping slave-goods reaching free countries.”


Nick Davies, of the Institute for Government, said: “These are incredibly serious allegations. Government is rightly committed to keeping its supply chains free from modern slavery.


“While some mistakes in the initial rush to secure PPE are understandable, to repeatedly use questionable suppliers, and to award such a large contract in late May would be a serious failure of due diligence,” Davies added.


Luke De Pulford, of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, said: “A national emergency doesn’t justify exposing UK consumers to slavery.


“The wider issues exposed by this work demonstrates the huge issues in regard to supply chains, which need to be confronted,” De Pulford urged.


China Is Like ‘Nazi Germany’, Say British MPs Who Allege Systematic ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ of the Uyghurs


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) September 11, 2020

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:46 a.m. No.12446292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6319 >>6411 >>6465 >>6550 >>6576

French Police Look Tto Create New ‘Super Riot Cops’ to Combat Urban Violence


The French Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité (CRS), the country’s riot police, are looking to create a new special unit to specifically deal with urban violence in no-go zones.


Last month, the French government looked into reorganising the CRS after Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin requested the creation of a team to specifically deal with the growing problems of urban violence in some areas of the country.


The new unit, a ‘Super CRS’, would be an elite group that would be able to rapidly deploy anywhere in French territory to quell urban violent incidents, broadcaster BFMTV reports.


At Least 25 French Cities and Towns Erupt in Riots as ‘Youths’ Attack Police


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) April 21, 2020


According to the broadcaster, the number of incidents of urban violence, which have included police officer being ambushed in no-go zones, has increased in several departments across France.


Earlier this week, the director of the CRS central directorate discussed recruitment for the new outfit and approximately 150 CRS officers are eligible to volunteer for service with the elite unit.


Those who do will be subjected to several tests and will be equipped with new equipment including protective gear against fire and acid attacks, as well as new vehicles.


Some within the force have been lukewarm on the idea, with criticism that the force will be based near Paris and will likely be unable to rapidly deploy to some areas of the country.


Eight French Gendarmes Injured and Multiple Fires Started During Urban Violence


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) July 16, 2020


Urban violence has been a major issue in France, even during the restrictive lockdowns rolled out last year in response to the Wuhan virus pandemic.


In April of last year, 25 cities and towns across the country erupted into riots and violence with several attacks on police and an attempt to burn down a police station in Strasbourg.


Over New Year’s Eve, the country saw hundreds of cars burned and many acts of violence against police. Violence, particularly vehicle arson, has become a common occurrence at New Year’s in France for many years.


New Year's Eve in France: Man Decapitated By Fireworks, Police Attacked, Cars Set on Fire


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) January 2, 2021

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:49 a.m. No.12446340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6411 >>6465 >>6471 >>6550 >>6576

Why OpSec Has NEVER Been More Important


If you’ve been in prepper circles for long, you’ve probably heard the term OpSec. It is taken from military jargon and it’s short for Operations Security. In the preparedness and survival world, it generally means not letting other people know that you are prepped, or if they know, they definitely don’t know the specifics of what you have.


Not only do we want to keep the level of our preparedness private, these days, keeping our opinions private might be likewise beneficial from a security perspective. More on that in a moment.


Trigger Warning: There’s no way I can write this article without ticking somebody off. Some readers will feel that I’m siding with the right and others will feel like I’m siding with the left. I’m not because I am not a Democrat or a Republic, nor am I a conservative or a liberal. I’m a critical thinker with diverse opinions that fall into all sorts of categories. Yet others will feel I didn’t go far enough or that there’s some “fact” or conspiracy that I didn’t reveal. I’m not an ice cream cone. I can’t make everyone happy. Also, there may be some swearing.

What is OpSec?


Here’s a definition for those who aren’t familiar with the concept.


Operations security (OPSEC) is a process that identifies critical information to determine if friendly actions can be observed by enemy intelligence, determines if information obtained by adversaries could be interpreted to be useful to them, and then executes selected measures that eliminate or reduce adversary exploitation of friendly critical information.


In a more general sense, OPSEC is the process of protecting individual pieces of data that could be grouped together to give the bigger picture (called aggregation). OPSEC is the protection of critical information deemed mission-essential from military commanders, senior leaders, management or other decision-making bodies. The process results in the development of countermeasures, which include technical and non-technical measures such as the use of email encryption software, taking precautions against eavesdropping, paying close attention to a picture you have taken (such as items in the background), or not talking openly on social media sites about information on the unit, activity or organization’s Critical Information List. (source)


This article explains the concept more thoroughly.


OpSec goes hand in hand with the gray man principle. Here’s Selco’s definition of being the gray man.


It is a simple concept that comes to be very important when SHTF, and it is often completely opposite to how a lot of preppers are planning to look or act.


In the shortest definition, it is staying uninteresting or simply looking and acting like most of the people around you in a particular moment.


It can be used in a lot of situations when SHTF, during prolonged periods of time, or during short-term events. (source)


As tensions increase dramatically in the United States, many people will find it more important than ever to practice these principles.

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:54 a.m. No.12446442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6465 >>6536 >>6550 >>6576

Israeli Jews in defence of apartheid




In 2017 the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) issued a report on the conditions of Palestinians under Israeli rule. The report covered the situations of both Palestinian citizens of Israel and the subject population in the occupied territories. The report concluded that “Israel has established an apartheid regime that dominates the Palestinian people as a whole”.


Though United States and Israeli pressure managed to suppress the report, evidence for this charge of apartheid is clear-cut. More recently, the facts have been brought together in a succinct presentation by the noted journalist Jonathan Cook. In a 2018 issue of The Link, a publication of Americans for Middle East Understanding, he wrote an expose` entitled “Apartheid Israel”. Some of the particulars Cook looks at are citizenship inequality, nationality inequality, marriage inequality, legal inequality and residential inequality. The predictable Palestinian struggle seeking equality and the end of apartheid is seen as a subversive movement by both Israel’s Jewish majority and its increasingly rightwing governments.


Of course, some Israeli Jews do understand that the country has a serious problem with racism. For instance, this comes through in the June 2020 Haaretz report that indicates that as “world sensitivity to racism and oppression” increases “historical injustice in Israel is… only getting worse”.

The “Nation-State” Law


One of the ways things are getting worse in Israel is through the enshrining of Zionist-inspired apartheid in law. On 18 July 2018 the Israeli Knesset (parliament) enacted a “Nation-State” Law. It defines the State of Israel as the nation-state “of the Jewish people only”. In other words, only Jews can hold “nationality rights” in Israel.


MK (Member of the Knesset) Yariv Levin dubbed the law “Zionism’s flagship bill… that will put Israel back on the right path. A country that is different from all others in one way, that it is the nation-state of the Jewish people.” MK Amir Ohana, who chaired the special committee that shaped the bill, stated: “This is the law of all laws. It is the most important law in the history of the State of Israel, which says that everyone has human rights, but national rights in Israel belong only to the Jewish people.” The absurdity of this proposition is exposed by the fact that the Palestinian minority has been denied significant aspects of its human rights for over 70 years. As it turns out, the two categories of rights, national and human, have been interdependent ever since the development of the sovereign state.

Anonymous ID: fd01d2 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:55 a.m. No.12446463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6540 >>6550 >>6576

No Judge Would Listen To Sidney Powell's Evidence, But Of Course, They Take Dominion's Lawsuit


Powell made a set of “wild accusations” that are “demonstrably false,” Dominion stated in its lawsuit, which was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.


That covered allegations that Dominion rigged the 2020 election and that the firm bribed officials in Georgia for a deal concerning its election machines and software, according to the 124-page suit.


Powell did not provide proof to back her allegations, other than “declarations from a motley crew of conspiracy theorists, con artists, armchair ‘experts,’ and anonymous sources who were judicially determined to be ‘wholly unreliable,'” Dominion continued.


When Dominion sent a letter to the lawyer, putting her on formal notice and requesting her to withdraw her allegations, Powell told her 1.2 million followers on Twitter on Dec. 20, 2020, of the letter and announced she was “retracting nothing” because “[w]e have #evidence” and “They are #fraud masters!”


“In the days and weeks that followed, Powell appeared for a number of media interviews and continued to double down on her false accusations about Dominion,” the suit states.


“Dominion brings this action to set the record straight, to vindicate the company’s rights under civil law, to recover compensatory and punitive damages, to seek a narrowly tailored injunction, and to stand up for itself and its employees.”


Dominion is requesting at least $651 million in compensatory damages and not less than $651 million in punitive damages.


Powell didn’t respond to a request for comment.


Dominion, a Colorado-based company, in recent weeks, assigned letters to some people and media companies, threatening to sue if they did not obey orders.


The suit on Friday seemed to be the first one filed by the company about the allegations upon its equipment and plans in the 2020 election. Dominion maintains its machines and/or software are practiced by 28 states.


A Dominion employee last month sued President Donald Trump’s campaign, claiming it spread fake theories about the election, even though most of the U.S. citizens believe some election fraud occurred.


The suit from Eric Coomer, director of product strategy and security for Dominion, further cited Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani and Powell as defendants.


Although, the company is not that easily off the hook, as a Michigan judge directed the release Monday of an independent forensic audit report of the Dominion Voting Systems machines utilized in Antrim County, which flipped from a win for Democrat Joe Biden to President Donald Trump after a glitch was found and repaired.


The audit, which was directed by Russell Ramsland of the Dallas-based Allied Security Operations Group, exposed over a 68 percent ballot error rate — not less than 85,000 times higher than the Federal Election Commission guidelines allow.