Under the guise of national security EVERY action can be covered under color of law, especially for an INVESTIGATOR like Mueller was at the time.
Bush turned him away from 911
Obama turned him away from U1
What if POTUS turned him around?
Under the guise of national security EVERY action can be covered under color of law, especially for an INVESTIGATOR like Mueller was at the time.
Bush turned him away from 911
Obama turned him away from U1
What if POTUS turned him around?
You do understand color of law?
Under the guise of national security there is NO legal liability.
It really depends on who is in charge, who knows and who gets to decide…
We will only see 40/60 due to national security concerns.
Q started this with 20/80 in mind.
He understands how corrosive the whole truth would be, sadly.
Would we even be talking about it had Clinton won?
I'm no Mueller fan, but is it possible he would join the winning team given the chance?
He's not an idiot…
This is from 2014
Symbolic good vs evil