(Bread #1556)
>Iranians are freer than Americans have been since the 19th century.
That's the part I don't understand. There's was the CIA-orchestrated Iran coup in the 1950s, but it looked like they got their country back, only that hostage situation was a Bush October Surprise, so CIA was still in there, plus there was a photo of Ahmadinejad at the embassy when that happened, and then he gets elected, and then there's the photo in the newspaper of him waving his passport around with a name people are saying is Tribe, so that looks like a signal, so it's controlled by assets on some level and the religious control is a cover. Okay, now I think I get it.
Planned Parenthood was originally called the American Eugenics Society, one of whose goals was black genocide, but that name lost its luster, didn't resonate too well as people wised up.