Isnt Jordan run by a Jew? Wasnt the mother of the King of Jordan a Jew of American or British history. Did not the CIA pull some evil shit to get this dude the throne. Maybe the happenings over there are the USA overthrowing the Jew puppet Jordanian King. Putting a real Muslim back in charge so we can weaken Isreal which we all know is the ultimate enemy we must destroy before America and the World can be truly free.
Is King Jordan a jew?
In 2015, Jordan's king, whose mother is an aristocratic British Jew named Antoinette Avril Gardiner, raised the Hashemite banner. Muslims carry the lineage and surname of the father but a Jew is only a Jew through his mother.
The banner is believed by some to be that of the prophesied 'Sufyani' character in Islamic eschatology. Abu Sufyan was Prophet Mohammed's long time nemesis. He was defeated when Prophet Muhammed peacefully and without a single bloodshed returned to conquer Makkah after being exiled by its pagan tribal leaders, mainly Abu Sufyan. According to Prophetic narrations the Sufyani's banner will be a red standard.
Left, The raising of the Hashemite banner and customary attire of soldiers signifying 'revenge'.
The media was quick to report on the auspicious ceremony. The extremely rare raising of the 500 year old banner and the manner in which it was carried left many bewildered.
The observer would ask, Who is the king taking revenge on? ISIS, Al-Sauds, Assad or is it Prophet Mohammed (and his true progeny Al-Mahdi) perhaps?
Others cited the ceremony and banner to signify the ushering of a more prominent role of Jordan's king in the region.
Could we be using the military exercises in Jordan to over throw the Jewish King of Jordan. Whose mother was an English Jew. And by Jew law if your mom is a Jew you are a Jew.
Next step Isreael?
What is the Egyptian Army doing?
What is the Saudi Army doing?
What is the Jordanian Army doing?
I wonder
Why would Iran ever give up attempt to get nukes with a criminal Jewish mafia state armed with nukes?
We could get Iran to agree to any deal if we eliminated a nuclear Israel first.
And after all who is our biggest enemy? Iran? Or the beast Israel?
Pelosi is on video saying her father was in the Jewish Army. She has said her grand kids are all Jews. Pelosi is a Jew. Fact.
Pelosi has MKULTRA cracking up. Says her father was in Jewish Army.