Rome, Italy anon posted a few hours ago that the stories about a Vatican blackout are TOTALLY FAKE. Anon lives within walking distance of Vatican City and has walked by it today, Sunday, a total of four times, twice during daylight (although it's been cloudy and rainy all day long so it wasn't very "light"), and twice after dark.
THERE IS NO BLACKOUT. Everything is totally 100% normal.
Subsequently anon found this twitter video and can confirm that everything he is saying here is accurate:
The "problem" is that the livestream camera focused on St. Peter's Square is shit. Its light meter isn't accurate. That's all.
Btw there are ALWAYS Italian police in St. Peter's Square when the Pope himself is not there. There is a concordat between Italy and Vatican City, two separate independent countries which agreed years ago that when the Pope is personally present in the Square, security is handled by Vatican Police; when he isn't there, it is handled by Rome (Italian) Police. So if for example you get your wallet stolen while you're in St Peter's Square, the crime will be recorded and handled by the Italian cops not the Vatican, and btw good luck getting them to do anything about it.
Anon found this link posted in another bread and it is absolutely positively TOTAL BULLSHIT. THIS IS COMPLETELY FALSE. "All roads to the Vatican are now closed," it says, what fucking bullshit, they haven't been closed at all, and anon ought to know because ANON LIVES ON ONE OF THEM FFS!
Look, we're all anxious for news, and yes, it does sound like Pakistan had a genuine blackout and maybe other places too. But not Vatican City. Can we please act like mature adults and filter this shit and move on to REAL news? Honestly reading this board today is like msnbc