Dude, lets just get across this hurdle first…
Once this storm has passed and we have cleaned up, we will then be able to grow as a race (human), and join our galactic brothers and sisters….
We will eventually learn about our true history and this history of the ones who have been in control for so long…
From all my research I think that this is the closest without spreading fear or misunderstandings….
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8NNHmV3QPw
We need to focus on cutting out the cancer, and then we can prove that we are a race of beings that is not going to kill everything (which is when we will be welcomed)…. THEY don't want to know us from the ways we are now… This will change, we need to riase our vibration.
Ailens are not just technical beings… They are spiritual. Once you can understand this you can begin to understand greater truths… Much love anon, it is going to be an amazing ride