How do you get around a corrupt blockade of 3 letter agencies and embedded military personnel to pull off the Q military operation?
Create a new division of the military with it's own intelligence division. Space Force was just named the 18th intel division.
Q said in the start to focus on military intelligence.
Has this entire thing been a Space Force operation?
how do they 'force' the Q?
Was Space Force the Stealth Bomber. B2 disinfo to get people to think it was Barr?
I'm just spitballing here but it seems like a lot of pieces are starting to come together if you reread drops with Space Force in mind and military intelligence. Lots of uses of the word 'FORCE' in capitals. Why the emphasis. Referring to Space Force?
[N]o [S]uch [A]gency = Space Force
wasn't the NSA, but was Space Force. It was not officially a listed agency yet. But NSA makes us think of intelligence agency.
things to think about.
Rereading drops again with a new perspective.