President George H. W. Bush also already invoked the Insurrection Act in response to looting in 1989, when he sent troops to the U.S. Virgin islands after looting broke out following the devastation of Hurricane Hugo, according to NPR. Current Attorney General Bill Barr was also Attorney General under President Bush at that time.
JUNE 2, 2020 4:10 PM EDT
So youd sign an ORDER to invoke it. The terminology matters because the commycats know the legal jargon well
And the the anon that stated he could sign an EO no. an eo is not the proper process, i fkn dug for a couple minutes and found this out, EO's stay around for a long time, if a president doesnt act to cancel it out. what He did do is make at least 2 EO's on what to do AFTER he would sign an order to invoke , treason, sedition and insurrection acts