Anonymous ID: ba6d0c April 30, 2018, 2:20 a.m. No.1246090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6106

I've been going over the notables.

I see that there hasn't been a complete resolution to the Q drop: >>1215294

The first word is Reconcile.

Have we reconciled ALL the contradictions and inconsistencies in that drop?

Could it be that in that specific drop, Q has outlined the entire plan up until:

>The hard part is coming to an end.

>The next phase will bring JUSTICE.



And, if it's true, and the entire plan is revealed in that 1 drop, then doesn't that imply that the plan has:

[1] reached a point where the plan can no longer be thwarted by 'black hats'.

[2] the plan has been successful re. the intended goal, i.e. the goal of the plan is now inevitable.

[3] a full reveal at this stage is ALSO part of the plan.


Turn A Phrase? Iron Eagle = Eager Lion18

18 = [R]

The R is the key. We take the [r] in Eager and switch it with the [L] in Lion. 'Eagel Rion.

On the left hand side, we move the [turned] letter 1 space to the left. Eage[L] = Eag[L]e.

On the right hand side, we move the [turned] letter 1 space to the right. [R]ion = [I]ron.

Then we SWITCH SIDES!!! Eagle Iron = Iron Eagle


Turn [R]?

What is a 'grey hat' in the context of 'The Plan'?


Q: Who REALLY knows where ALL the bodies are buried?

A: Q+ = POTUS + MI.

>We have it all.


Q: Actionable?

A: Legally, no.


Covertly, yes!

>These people are stupid.

>They fall for it every single time.


We all now know what a psyop is and how they work.

How do you successfully defend against a psyop?

The best DEFENSE is a good OFFENCE.

I'll coin a new phrase: CounterPsyOp.


#WWG1WGA It's not just a slogan, It's a way of life.

Anonymous ID: ba6d0c April 30, 2018, 2:28 a.m. No.1246106   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Correcting a fw typos.

>The R is the key. We take the [R] in Eager and switch it with the [L] in Lion. 'Eagel Rion.

>On the left hand side, we move the [turned] letter 1 space to the left. Eage[L] = Eag[L]e.

>On the right hand side, we move the [turned] letter 1 space to the right. [R]ion = [I]ron.

>Then we SWITCH SIDES!!! Eagle Iron = Iron Eagle

This all should read:

The R is the key. We take the [r] in Eager and switch it with the [L] in Lion. Eage[R] [L]ion = Eage[L] [R]ion.

On the left hand side, we move the [turned] letter 1 space to the left. Eage[L] = Eag[L]e.

On the right hand side, we move the [turned] letter 1 space to the right. [R]ion = [I]ron.

Then we SWITCH SIDES!!! Eagle Iron = Iron Eagle