Anonymous ID: 070458 Jan. 10, 2021, 8:03 p.m. No.12457433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7559 >>7622 >>7638 >>7736 >>7760 >>7761

>>12457214 (pb)

IF they want a GOOD military they have to fix what they fucked. Holy shit the low lifes they let enlist now. It used to be an honor to be accepted into the that the girls cried when the drill Sargent yelled at them even the USMC is cucked.


That fucking West Point Army COMMIE had zero issues publicly posting a pic of him with his "communisim will win" hat…PUBLIC. People complained, the Army said "mumble mumble investigate, mumble dealt with mumble".


Imagine getting a recommendation to West Point and then letting the entire world know you're a fucking communist at your graduation.


ANY time I hear the word investigate i YAWN. You mean like investigate Hillary's emails? There's a reason Traitor Gowdy had to resign. Primarily because he was SUPPOSED to be exposing her intent and the ONE thing he never ever did, was expose her intent (which was crystal clear in the Colin Powell email exchange). It was at that moment i knew Gowdy was a fucking bought off corrupt piece of shit playing the "bad cop" role.


Oh, and FUCK trannies thinking they'll get free surgery in the Military. WTF are we going to do…go to war with axe wounds that have to spend hours everyday laying around with a dildo stuck up their former dick hole?

Anonymous ID: 070458 Jan. 10, 2021, 8:20 p.m. No.12457701   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep, he's a fake republican. The correct way to respond to a whistle blower offer on 1619 in textbooks is to CALL them and ask questions, then go from there.


I have exposed several fake republicans this way. My jury is still out on Jordan, but Rob Portman is bent af. Like Burisma bent.


We need to perform DUE DILLIGENCE on anyone we "want to believe". After this shit I will never ever believe or take knowledge over belief without inspecting the FUCK…look how many people jumped on Newsmax? LOL CNN knows it's over–rebrands online with little to no overhead…starts saying shit the right wants to hear, regain viewers for the win. Yep…Newsmax CEO gave 1 million to Clinton Foundation…wonder what he got in return?

Anonymous ID: 070458 Jan. 10, 2021, 8:22 p.m. No.12457748   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I knew they were fucked when Christian chaplans had to start holding services off base

WOuldn't want to hurt homo tranny feeeelings or upset muzzies.


I feel sorry for the people who actually believe the military, in general, has POTUS's back. Talk about idealistic bullshit.

Anonymous ID: 070458 Jan. 10, 2021, 8:32 p.m. No.12457946   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I honestly would have NO issue volunteering to be on the firing squad. Executing parasites has zero to do with executing humans.



It would also probably help if we stopped arming the enemy…






Every Kike Parasite on earth




FUCKING globalist parasites.




And if that sentence makes you gasp in horror, consider yourself PROGRAMMED. If you think they are manipulating us NOW, wait until you find out about WWI and II. If you're like me you will RAGE at their lies and duplicity.

Anonymous ID: 070458 Jan. 10, 2021, 8:36 p.m. No.12458034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8085


How about we stop assuming bald headed men are automatically skin heads???


This is a free country. People can associate with whomever they want. KKK, Skin heads, niggers, gangs, it's all relative. Right now I would refuse to state unequivocally that John (Jake) Sullivan is Antifa despite all evidence saying he is, including him.


LOL like Raz of Chaz….that fucker is a glowie…which team he glows for? I dunno, but he fucking GLOWS.