Anonymous ID: 277a1c Jan. 10, 2021, 8:24 p.m. No.12457781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7869

"This has been in the plans since 2016. They have a “playbook” with contingency plans. Russian collusion didn’t work, dirty dossier didn’t work, impeachment didn’t work. Next was rig the election. That worked.

But when they saw the fury of 75million people and the insane amount of people coming out to the rallies, they feared that it would discredit their victory. So move on to plan B. You would have to have been at all the 3 rallies to see how it all played out. The first two, BLM and Antifa attacked at night. The third rally they were eerily absent! There were a lot of people that looked out of place (gas masks, tactical helmets, covered faces and hands) Antifa buses arrived the night before and there is video of them being escorted by state police! So plan B was to infiltrate and incite violence, and trespass into the building, all the while coordinated with some USPC police. Block our communication so we don’t comply with the presidents order to leave, and then create enough chaos and use MSM to exaggerate the incident. Use that along with MSM and Big Tech to create a narrative that Trump incited the violence and urged his supporters to Invade the Capitol. In the meantime, block and delete all the evidence that discredits their details of the event, and take away our platforms of information to prevent our evidence to be disbursed. Once that is done, they can move to their final plan; to completely eradicate Trump’s presidency, destroy his character and legacy, and prevent him from running for office.



All in the name of hate."


  • from a good friend…and supporter…


A fucking animal post is not asking a lot….