Anonymous ID: b6a67e Jan. 10, 2021, 8:09 p.m. No.12457525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7548 >>7566 >>7664 >>7757 >>7886 >>7934 >>7960 >>8043

Re-posting by request


Lehigh University yanks honorary degree it gave to Trump in 1988


A Pennsylvania college has rescinded an honorary degree it gave to President Donald Trump three decades ago in the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the US Capitol by his supporters.


Lehigh University had given Trump the sheepskin in 1988, after he spoke at the school’s commencement ceremony.


An official statement did not specify the grounds for revoking the honor, though some faculty and staff had long called for Trump to be stripped of the degree.


“In a special session Thursday of the Executive Committee of the Lehigh University Board of Trustees, the members voted to rescind and revoke the honorary degree granted to Donald J. Trump in 1988,” the statement read. “The full Board of Trustees affirmed the decision today.”

Anonymous ID: b6a67e Jan. 10, 2021, 8:11 p.m. No.12457557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7645 >>7664 >>7707 >>7960 >>8043

Coming to America..SOON..Hell it's already here


Scanning digital health QR code becomes OBLIGATORY for passengers using ride-hailing services in Beijing


Using a ride-hailing service in Beijing, such as Uber or local Didi Chuxing, won’t be possible without scanning your health QR code, the city authorities said amid a spike in Covid-19 cases in nearby Hebei province.


Starting from Monday, drivers will be able to deny services to those who refuse to show and scan their QR codes, the state-run Global Times newspaper reported.


The color-based health QR code system was introduced in Beijing and more than 100 other cities in February to help curb the spread of the coronavirus, which was first reported in China's Wuhan more than a month earlier.


The app automatically generates a code for the user. A 'green' one means they are free roam around the capital, while 'yellow' and 'red' codes call for self-isolation or supervised quarantine.

Anonymous ID: b6a67e Jan. 10, 2021, 8:16 p.m. No.12457628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7729 >>7960 >>8043

Interesting how things work..The last Pope?


Pope Francis’ personal doctor dies of Covid-19, as Pontiff misses scheduled baptism


Pope Francis’ personal doctor has died from coronavirus complications, according to the Vatican’s newspaper. It is unknown when he was last in contact with the pope, who missed a baptism ceremony hours after the news broke.


Francis’ doctor, Fabrizio Soccorsi, died on Saturday, Catholic News Agency reported, citing the Vatican’s newspaper L’Osservatore Romano.


Covid-19 complications were cited as the cause of the 78-year-old’s death, but Soccorsi had been receiving treatment since late December for an "oncological pathology," according to multiple reports.

Anonymous ID: b6a67e Jan. 10, 2021, 8:23 p.m. No.12457765   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If you have any Tech that has the word smart in front of it..Its all designed to spy on you/us..and connected to the IoT..Wake Up People


This article is more than 5 years old

Six ways your tech is spying on you – and how to turn it off

Alex Hern


Compared with what’s already happening, Samsung’s warning not to discuss sensitive issues in front of its TVs seems pretty tame. But you can fight back


So, your TV might be spying on you. It probably just wanted to join in with the rest of the technology in your life, because let’s face it: if you live in the 21st century you’re probably monitored by half a dozen companies from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. (And if you wear a sleep tracker, it doesn’t even stop then.)


Compared with some of the technology that keeps a beady eye fixed on you, the news that Samsung’s privacy policy warns customers not to discuss sensitive information in front of their smart TVs is actually fairly tame. The warning relates to a voice-recognition feature that has to be explicitly invoked, and which only begins transmitting data when you say the activation phrase “hi, TV”.

Anonymous ID: b6a67e Jan. 10, 2021, 8:25 p.m. No.12457822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7960 >>8043

Kim Jong-un's Message for Joe Biden: We Will Bring U.S. 'to Its Knees'


With all the hubbub going on in Washington, poor Kim Jong-un must have felt left out and ignored. Kim doesn’t like to be ignored. If the world doesn’t pay attention to him for a few weeks, he’ll throw a tantrum and threaten to destroy his enemies.


State media in North Korea reported yesterday that Kim addressed the 8th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea, talking up the economy, the strides in missile technology, and how he was going to bring the U.S. to its knees.


The Hill:


“Our external political activities must focus on our arch-enemy and the fundamental obstacle to our revolutionary development, the United States,” Kim said, according to NBC. “The effort will focus on overpowering and bringing them to their knees,” he added.


Kim also threatened to expand the country’s nuclear arsenal.


Kim noted that regardless of who is in the White House, “the true nature of the U.S. and its fundamental policies towards North Korea never change.”

Anonymous ID: b6a67e Jan. 10, 2021, 8:33 p.m. No.12457962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8043

STUDY: Bill Gates DTP Vaccine Killed 10 Times More African Girls Than The Disease Itself


Once again, Bill Gates and his devilish ideas are being exposed for the havoc he has brought about in Africa. The latest is a study that discovers his DTP vaccine killed 10 times more African girls than the disease itself! Yet, he wants to vaccinate you? You gotta be a special kind of stupid to take any vaccine, but especially one that has Bill Gates tied to it.


Great Game India has the story on the study.


According to a peer reviewed study published in a respected journal by the world’s most authoritative vaccine scientists, Bill Gates DTP vaccine killed 10 times more African girls than the disease itself. The vaccine apparently compromised their immune systems. Although, such study was never performed before 2017, Bill Gates and the Vaccine Alliance GAVI and WHO pushed the vaccines on unsuspecting African babies.


The study (read below) titled, The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment was commissioned by the Danish government and Novo Nordisk Foundation and was conducted by a team of the world’s leading experts on African vaccination led by two most prominent names, Drs. Søren Wengel Mogensen and Peter Aaby.

Anonymous ID: b6a67e Jan. 10, 2021, 8:36 p.m. No.12458027   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notice its not the FBI or C_A but the Army..kekeke


Army identifies more possible threats after at least 25 ‘domestic terrorism’ cases opened in connection with US Capitol breach


US Representative Jason Crow (D-Colorado) said he was updated on the status of riot-related prosecutions by Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy. Rifles, Molotov cocktails, explosives and zip-tie handcuffs were recovered during the arrests, suggesting that “a greater disaster was narrowly averted,” Crow said.


Moments ago, I spoke with Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy about the military response to the January 6 Capitol attack and ongoing security measures.


Here are the notes from my call:

— Rep. Jason Crow (@RepJasonCrow) January 10, 2021


The Army is aware of additional domestic terrorism threats in the days leading to Biden's January 20 inauguration and is coordinating with local and federal law enforcement agencies on security preparations, Crow said. The congressman added that he's afraid members of the military may be involved in insurrection and he asked McCarthy to review deployments for the inauguration to ensure there are no troops “sympathetic to domestic terrorists.”