Anonymous ID: e4cb89 Jan. 10, 2021, 8:02 p.m. No.12457412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7545 >>7573

>>12456663 (lb)

>The precipice


>Trump, and whoever is on his team, have maneuvered themselves into a historically unique position.


>In the following ten days, they have the opportunity to confirm, or not confirm (by maintaining radio silence) everything Q has seeded into public consciousness.


>With a single message, which they can choose to send at ANY point in time, they can, for lack of a better word, start the Apocalypse of our times. An apocalypse of information.


>None of his opponents are in a position to prevent this. He remains commander in chief of the most powerful military force in the world for ten more days. Nobody will change that in ten days.


>The power to unleash the potential accumulated over the past three-and-a-half years at the click of a button resides in his appropiately-sized hands alone, for purposes of public recognition. For millions of Americans, Trump is the only person to be trusted at this point in time.


>Anons, take a moment to consider the amount of control, planning and sheer genius that is necessary to maneuver oneself into a position like this.


>Q supporter or diehard communist - your future and the future of this world is at the mercy of this Orange madman - and there is nothing you can do about it.


>These things usually only happen in movies.


>I hope everyone joins me in praying that whatever happens, we intend to manifest a future of truth, justice and good things for EVERYONE - leaving behind the hatred, fear, lies and political games that defined this post-war era.


>Be mindful that the people who influence your reality the most are your neighbors and your community.


>Work to make amends and find common ground in what we all share - our humanity.


>Fight with every fiber of your being against the evil spirits of division and distrust that are destroying our families and splintering our communities.


>We are not nazis.


>We are not radicals.


>We do not hate.


>We do not reduce our identities, or those of our fellow countrymen, to political affiliation, race or religion.


>We are human beings.


>We desire freedom.


>Love makes us strong.


>We recognize the signs of our times and with bleeding hearts we witness the destruction that has been laid on our collective souls.


>Let’s do this.


>I love (you) all.