Anonymous ID: f50c97 Jan. 10, 2021, 8:20 p.m. No.12457708   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7735 >>7835 >>7926



Yes, and he was massive MAGA!


If anyone is near DC please consider going to his funeral.


"Sicknick was a Trump supporter himself, as his friend Caroline Behringer announced shortly after his death. Far from sharing the views of the #Resistance, he had written letters to his congressman opposing Trump’s impeachment.


Like many Trump supporters who are now being censored, he ­believed that the system is fundamentally rigged in favor of a narrow elite. He had used fiery rhetoric, even called for regime change in America.


The people who claim to honor Sicknick have elided these facts. Acknowledging them would undermine their ­effort to label the 75 million Americans who supported Trump as a domestic threat. Already, unelected Silicon Valley billionaires are using Sicknick’s death to justify censorship of views he expressed. Liberals are cheering the limitation of free speech. Leftists are applauding the exercise of corporate power."

Anonymous ID: f50c97 Jan. 10, 2021, 8:29 p.m. No.12457887   🗄️.is đź”—kun


I had no idea until tonight when I saw John Basham's post on twatter. I'm so pissed off seeing that shit. And then to see Dems and the FAKE NEWS using this man's name to try to destroy Trump and ALL of us?? Enraged.