Anonymous ID: c0e0e7 Jan. 10, 2021, 8:46 p.m. No.12458169   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8296 >>8492

>>12458085 (PB)

Many people are self conscious about hair loss. What I'm saying is automatically making an assumption ….IE Tim Poole—as an example. That damn beanie. It's obvious he's hiding his hair loss. Poor thing.




Anonymous ID: c0e0e7 Jan. 10, 2021, 8:52 p.m. No.12458247   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8271 >>8319

>>12458136 (pb)

4chan the master of fake tweets. I imagine they'll have quite the exciting time on other sites.


Oh, you poor thing.


Let me help. No matter if POTUS pulls this off and we are set free, this year is going to be MUCH worse than last year. Remember how shit and fan were supposed to clash in 2012? The earth has not yet had her say about our heinous collective behavior. We will come out MUCH better with POTUS at the helm but if you think and election automatically fixes everything….I do indeed feel sorry for you.


Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.


Bless the Mother, she is noting if not regular.

Anonymous ID: c0e0e7 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:07 p.m. No.12458482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8742

>>12458118 (pb)

Although it rarely goes off, it has gone off, mostly on streaming sites.


Oh, and if anyone should wish to NUKE INDIA, please, be my guest. I think tomorrow I'm going to start a new policy. Instead of never answering my phone unless the number is in there, I am going to answer it every time and spend HOURS talking to "Bob" and "Jane". KEK I can't wait until I get to say that to them in person.


BTW if you have a family elder that uses a phone make sure you school them in all the phone scammers. These assholes are making millions off old folks.



WOAH, someone who understands. I have tried and tried to explain to people why they deserve to suffer what they have. No one gets it. The elite numbers are small, the power difference is MONEY. The difference is most certainly NOT character.


Everyone praying to GET THE PEDOS but knows damn good and well they sit down to holiday (and maybe daily) dinners with vile, evil people There are MORE Pedos among us than all the elites on earth. NOOOO NOO it's THEM, they are the source of ALL OUR PROBLEMS.


FUCKERS…YOU are the reason FB, Twatter, Walmart, big pharma exist. If you'd stop fucking asking your overlords to "fix" everything for you….your health has been handed over…in 15 minutes some dipshit whose only qualification is he or she can "order tests" to diagnose YOUR body…is a diploma mill…YOU handed soverignty of YOUR body over to that person…instead of fixing yourself you toss your hands in the air, and say "fix me doc"…then swallow whatever pills they promise will make you feel better.


FB would NOT fucking EXIST if you'd stop using it.


Cognitive dissonance is HUGE in humans. Everyone else needs to fix my shit…I have a right to use this corrupt shit…yeah maybe you DO have the "right" but you've NO fucking brain. "I will willingly sign up for something that tracks not only MY every move thought and communication, it tracks that of my friends too…..WAAA but they shouldn't…no they shouldn't. People shouldn't rape either but they do. So you can either choose NOT to stagger down the street drunk as a target or you can get raped.


Personal responsibility…you think the SJWs are the only shitheads here? But muh FB…yeah. Watch Century of Self…..turn that SHIT OFF. Why do you want TRUMP to do anything about it when YOU won't?


People seem consumed by the evil of others. Forget–MIRROR.


Don't forget brain. The MEZZO

Anonymous ID: c0e0e7 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:11 p.m. No.12458532   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I do not think Martial Law will be amazing, but sadly it will be necessary.


Why is most of EU, Canada, etc LOCKED in with curfews? Because my friend, they didn't "vote for it" either.


Speaking of EU, did anyone else have a good laugh at Bot Merkle's "George Washington would be rolling in his grave" condemnation of Trump yesterday? I got a good belly laugh out of that ignorant statement.


It's afraid The parasite is malfunctioning.

Anonymous ID: c0e0e7 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:17 p.m. No.12458639   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> native of Ukraine

And that says it all.



WHY always the penchant to blame OTHERS for what we consume? what ""injections" we take, what exercise we do or don't do? Ultimately it is US, our person, our responsibility.

Too many stupid people. I do not feel one bit sorry for any fucking retard taking flu shots or Wuflu vaccines. Tidy up the gene pool.


IF you are stupid enough to take a vaccine then you have completely given UP the right to bitch about what it does to you.

Anonymous ID: c0e0e7 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:24 p.m. No.12458786   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OK OK…in the spirit of the Constitution that everyone but POTUS appears to want to shred, we DO have freedom of association. That does not mean freedom from infiltration, however, just based on glownigger ops that are mostly FAIL…I think any "dangerous group" is likely to have more glowniggers hunting for their next patsy than it does truly dangerous people.


LOL antifa probably has more glowniggers per square foot than any other group except the niggers matter group.


Does anyone really believe PROUD boys is "real"? LOL E.Terrio was on a list of fucks the Chinks were paying, along with AQW, and Steve Schmoldt (AQW neighbor). /pol/ was having a blast with each new configuration of "far-right extremists" that they kept trying to concoct. LOL Bugaloo Boys caused great hilarity.

Anonymous ID: c0e0e7 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:29 p.m. No.12458880   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why would this social photo have any more meaning than POTUS photos with her? And Heels Up Harris is a shitbbag.


I find it much more entertaining to wonder why the media never mentioned her slave owner history…for that matter they neglected Joe Biden's "robinette" slave owning kin. When do we get to tear down their statues?