Anonymous ID: 2ab9e8 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:37 p.m. No.12458989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9007 >>9018 >>9042 >>9053 >>9155 >>9163 >>9234 >>9282 >>9283 >>9312 >>9323 >>9356 >>9373 >>9424 >>9429 >>9460 >>9533 >>9605

The CIA Rebranded: Don't Worry, We're Woke Now!


The CIA unveiled a trendy new logo this week and it's already being mercilessly mocked. As one graphic design commentary website put it:


The CIA's new rebrand includes a refreshed logo (below) which retains its predecessor's circular shape – and very little else. With its bold, black-and-white typeface and wavy lines, the internet is wondering whether the CIA has been taking logo design inspiration from techno music posters.


And of course this is all supposedly in the name of "diversity" and appeasing the cult of the woke.


The new logo can be found on the CIA's new recruitment website which is part of a broader initiative to create a more culturally diverse and sensitive intelligence agency that includes "people of all backgrounds and walks of life".


The Associated Press writes of the new rebranding and culture shift within the agency: "while the CIA has been diversifying for years, intelligence agencies still lag behind the federal workforce in minority representation."


CIA's verified Twitter account has also been busy virtue signaling its new "diverse faces" as part of the initiative:

Anonymous ID: 2ab9e8 Jan. 10, 2021, 9:57 p.m. No.12459289   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9384

Could Ghislaine Maxwell be next to receive a presidential pardon from Donald Trump?


If president really wants to go out with bang….


Friday 25 December 2020


It has reached the point of who else is there?


Having issued pardons to all the main suspects, such as Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and four Blackwater military mercenaries convicted of killing more than a dozen Iraqi civilians, idle minds turned to who else Donald Trump might have up his sleeve. Could he dare pardon Ghislaine Maxwell, accused of trafficking girls and young women for the late Jeffrey Epstein?

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Given he has all but given up any pretence of governing – the day before Christmas he was pictured on the golf course, even as the White House insisted he was “working tirelessly” – the president appears focused on two things.


One is to somehow overturn the result of the election he lost to Joe Biden, an increasingly joyless endeavour, and which would require the Senate not to ratify the electoral college when it meets on 6 January.


The second is to try and make use of his remaining days as president to try and settle scores, repay favours and generally cause mayhem.


The decision to pardon Flynn, his one-time national security advisor, had long been anticipated, given Mr Trump’s strength of feeling that he has been poorly treated.


So too, were those issued for George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort and a London-based Dutch lawyer, Alex Van der Zwaan, all convicted amid Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 election, an inquiry the president has repeatedly poured scorn on.