It's a gemstone. I'm listening to a 3 hr. interview hosted by RedPill78 with him now and he mentioned that early on in the video.
It's a gemstone. He mentions and shows it early in the RedPill78 video from last night because someone teased him about it.
What's the verdict on what? I don't know what discussion is as I just came on and saw talk about his ring.
Wow, I don't know. As you know you only get to see his hands and, typically, booted feet. I've never heard Adm. Rogers voice except on one vid but can't recall.
Wish I could help you there.
Did Rogers wear a right hand pinky ring in his time in the military? That's something people usually have to get used to. Also Juan does not wear a wedding ring. Pinky ring is the only jewelry.
Interesting concept though.
And in this vid. he mentions he has a vessel that he uses to head up to Alaska. Mentions Friday Harbor (WA, I believe). Maybe these mentions will help anyone trying to figure out who he is.
I've listened to him for years. No question in my mind he's got a hell of a lot of knowledge on a lot of subjects, especially in energy. Talks about Tesla and other energy related topics in the Q&A (latter part) of this interview. - 3 hrs.
Note this interview with him is from last night. He's in Trump Tower in DC.
Yep, thanks. Am just watching the end of this 3 hr. interview now. Went back and just found where he mentions that.
Comparing voices now with Rogers. Rogers speaks faster, as you would to get your point across in a hearing, but they DO both have somewhat of a gravely voice. Interdasting theory, guise.