Anonymous ID: d22c65 Jan. 10, 2021, 11:56 p.m. No.12460516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0528 >>0542 >>0549 >>0623 >>0809

>>12460291 (pb)

HEre we go with Juan O Savin AGAIN.


You gullible fuckers.


Why is Wayne Willott a known conman getting so much attention here?


Here's his face. He went all out on the channel that caught it and published it getting them banned. So, Wayne, what do you have to hide?


Since there is MOAR than ample evidence that Juan is a conman I'm going to assume that people PUSHING his videos and bullshit here are misinformation agents and enjoy fucking with Trump people.


He is NOTJR and he refuses to tell people he's misleading them.


HE is still on JEWTUBE…wake the fuck up.

Anonymous ID: d22c65 Jan. 11, 2021, 12:09 a.m. No.12460620   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0638 >>0652 >>0669 >>0700 >>0717


So, prove to me that Juan O Savin is NOT Wayne Willott? Why did he get the youtube channel exposing him deleted? Why is HE still on jew tube?


Sounds to me like he's selling hopium and making bank pretending he's something he's not.

>he has access to Trump


prove it


All he's doing is saying shit you want to hear. There's a REASON he doesn't show his face and why he went FUCKING NUTS on the guy who snagged the still of his face before he deleted it. So–I've proven MY case. The man LARPING as Juan o Savin is just another PAYtriot conman named Wayne Willott. The pic from his OWN damn video matches known pics of Wayne Willott the conman.


Mirage MEN. You retards just can't help yourself.

Anonymous ID: d22c65 Jan. 11, 2021, 12:16 a.m. No.12460677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0761 >>0983


Yeah you guys always REEK. Shove this LARP and then whine when it's exposed. But never fear, anywhere I see people slurping his concum I'm going to point out who he IS and that he's a LONG CON. Just like Corsi, Wilcox, Bulford, Greer, and the countless other cons jumping on this shit to $$$$$. Imagine believing someone without QUESTION who does not show their face, won't tell you their name, and gets away with it by claiming "muh danger".


Trust me WAYNE, no one gives af about a conman. Hope you are able to make a RUN for it when the smoke clears.



WTF does that matter? Parler requires an ID and phone number. ALL that shit is also in the database. Everyone knows who you are anyway.

Anonymous ID: d22c65 Jan. 11, 2021, 12:19 a.m. No.12460710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0756 >>0865


ah. that's an actual pic of Harvey Weinstein's dick (before he got Fornier's gangrene DO NOT DUCKDUCK DANGER DO NOT LOOK…his condition was described in court docs…you can get it from fapping too much) that's the pic from the locker in Scary Movie….


BTW cicumcision removes 15 square inches of penile real estate and is horrifically damaging to the male brain, and body.


FUCK women for genitally mutilating their sons.

Anonymous ID: d22c65 Jan. 11, 2021, 12:27 a.m. No.12460801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0817


Ah, it's HIS voice in the video. DOH. The video where he fucked up and caught his face had HIM talking on it. HE fuckedvup and caught his face on his OWN cell during a livestream now hunts people down that noticed it. FUCKING retards, what happened to we won't be fooled again…and WTF is it with all the people hosting him? And you can see the clip yourself. HEAR him…someone broke it down and captured his fucking FACE.


They are fucking with you. FUCKING with you and you slurp it up

Anonymous ID: d22c65 Jan. 11, 2021, 12:31 a.m. No.12460846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0873


LOL oh no…I long figured out that "HERO" Rodgers was a fucking setup. I too used to believe he was a hero until….I stopped being stupid and thought about it.


Trump wins unexpectedly, no time to clean everything up…send in Rogers to confess / expose to Trump that he was being spied on. Obama fires him the next day…..Trump, grateful for the BRAVE show of loyalty hires him to run the NSA where he being in complete charge, can start and monitor the "cleanup".


Yeah–it was clever move, last ditch desperation….but Trump was too smart for them. Actually my crooked baby toe is smarter than them.

Anonymous ID: d22c65 Jan. 11, 2021, 12:37 a.m. No.12460906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0967 >>1015


I posted this earlier complete with decode and other information which you oddly appear to have left off. The level of HATE I have for fuckers like you….



>No, twitter destroying the evidence before the "injection" could save it all.



>Pic posted on /pol/ with /pol/ proofs…what does it say?


>11th hour, last minute


>Sierra (preservation) Nevada (data farms)


>tactical bottle opener (open SIERRA / Nevada / data) TWO of them…


>hard drives snatched…(saved or wiped?)


>Next day Data farm KABOOM in Nashville. Later chink drops …look at the names…interdasting…the "f-16 crash" …


>AQW (Fake bomber meme name patsy)


>Terrio, E. (proud boys)


>Schmoldt, S (AQW nextdoor neighbor "witness" interview)


>They SAY human remains…they SAY it was the RV…they SAY a lot of shit.


>all on Chink payroll.

Anonymous ID: d22c65 Jan. 11, 2021, 12:42 a.m. No.12460967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1032


I fucking HATE people who post shit like it's mysterious shit and leave OUT that it's already been noted. FUCK liars and fuckers.


Good good. Each time I catch you fuckers I'll be sure to cut you off at the glowknees

Anonymous ID: d22c65 Jan. 11, 2021, 1 a.m. No.12461155   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Whew lucky SON.


I know…about Kike dick sucking.


Here's the mental fuckery..


penis must be erect for the surgery

penis fondled




Penis chopped off




Moils sucks it off




The psycho "god" that supposedly created perfect being told his people to chop their dicks (it makes me more warlike)…this is not unique to kikes. Egyptians chopped dicks too. HOWEVER during the times of kikery in which they kept getting kicked out…there was NO where for the kike to hide.


Drop your pants always exposed the kike. SO, what did they do? they started shoving dick chopping on everyone else. Anywhere that they try to outlaw male infant genital mutilation the kikes go WILD…antisemite bullshit.


I repeat dick chopping is EVIL, it is against creator, who created you perfect in his image, foreskin and all.


If you've never seen (JEWISH) and FORMER Harvard Professor Eric Cloppers one man show on circumcision YOU MUST.


Never, ever <EVERchop the dick of a baby boy. IF you mutilated you son without his permission, apologize, They take foreskins for free from hospitals that the kike docs charge you 1500 bux to chop off, and make them into face creams for rich ladies.


Financial motives to continue ripping body parts off your infant beautiful intact sons.


I begged on woman not to chop another son, the last one got mutilated to need surgery to kinda fix it. But NOOO SHE hates foreskins so she chopeed this son too…then called me crying because HIS dick also got mutilated and he too needed reconstruction surgery.


If you would not do this to your daughters why the FUCK would you do it to your sons!


20 years ago I was asked to "write about foreskins" and I didn't even know what one was. I did some research and actually watched a circumcision video and I honestly thought I was going to die. In my life I have never felt such terror, pain, and trauma. The child screamed in ways I never thought humanly possible until he couldn't any more, that dry hopeless scream.


Since then FUCK WOMEN literally FUCK them. Any woman who decides to do this needs to stand there and LISTEN to it then get her clit chopped off.


If women do not like the way men are, maybe they should stop chopping their dicks off when they're helpless infants.

Anonymous ID: d22c65 Jan. 11, 2021, 1:02 a.m. No.12461182   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If I post her on here she will be deleted before you find her. That's how good she is. NONE of the typical bullshit psychic…she's telling what she sees and trying to find words to explain this foreign energy. She nailed it.

Anonymous ID: d22c65 Jan. 11, 2021, 1:08 a.m. No.12461246   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I saw his face on a live stream clip. He is NOT Rogers he's some short fat fuck named Wayne Willott who is larping.


Rogers COULD be a good guy. I did think that intially, but I rethought that because I have a brain, I don''t follow other people that tell me what to think or believe.


It is LOGICAL that Obama sent in Rogers to "confess" and be the hero. You have to understand, these people literally believed Trump was STUPID. He did hire swamp monsters..who also thought he was stupid. And, one by one he's exposed each of them.


You can believe whatever the fuck you want. It is illogical to believe Rogers was anything other than a Clinton / Obama set up.


I tried


Honestly I think people who endlessly post his "videos" here are working for the channels that host him.


Everyone is making money.