Anonymous ID: d84d0c Jan. 11, 2021, 12:39 a.m. No.12460928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0942 >>0968 >>0994 >>1022

Anons, as I learn more and more about those arrested from the capitol raid, the more these people seem to be red blooded patriotic americans. I don't doubt that Antifa type elements had a hand in instigating things, nor do I doubt that something fishy was going on with the capitol police waving them in and providing little to no resistance. If anything it seems to be a mixture of FF elements and legitimate outraged americans.


To be clear I don't endorse criminality nor violence. I hate the idea of seeing someone like Pelosi being violently attacked. BUT anons, what Congress was doing on January 6th in certifying those electoral votes was negligent, and in many ways a furthering of the coup against POTUS that many of them have been participating in since POTUS' was first duly elected in 2016.


Mountains of evidence of irregularities exist, that show at the minimum Congress should have at least tried to investigate what happened in the 2020 election or listened to the legislatures from the state level that asked for more time. But instead they wanted to rush job the process through. And it's not just Congress but corrupt judges as well, who wouldn't even grant us the decency of having a day in court.


Again, I reiterate my lack of desire for blood shed or harm to befall the members of Congress, but what are american citizens to do when a corrupt system does not even allow them to address their grievences through legal avenues? The people being arrested are pro MAGA people. Pro America. They saw that Congress was taking away their right to have President of their choosing . These people have the same courageous blood running through their veins that the people at the Boston tea party had. The same courage it took to form a rebellion against the King of England in 1776.


It's such a catch 22. Sure you want to be lawful, sure you don't want things to descend into jungle chaos and blood shed. Also let us not forget that Antifa more than likely lit the fuse that day in order to create a scenario that the media propagandists could use in order to defame us all, but shit we're losing our country. Forced to wear diapers on our faces. Forced to be silent on the interwebs. Forced to see elections stolen. Forced to accept that our Governors and law makers are puppets of the CCP. Again it's a tough situation, if you take action as those that did on the 6th you are outside of civility, but if you don't, you get fucked in the ass. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Q always talks about the precipice, well we're here. And those people that stormed the capitol, whether they be useful idiots set up by antifa or not, are fucking God Damned American Patriots.