For my fellow Americans, I have a potential warning…
A close family friend of mine that works in the federal government just warned a few relatives and myself of possible martial law set to be implemented between now and the 17th. This person isn't a pencil pushing bureaucrat or admin assistant. They are out in the field. That is the extent of what I will say about this individual for their safety.
I'm not saying it's 100% confirmed with video evidence receipts or you need to hide in your nuclear holocaust bunkers just yet. I'm throwing this out there because of the current political climate in the US. I feel the anxiety in my bones and I got word from someone on the inside on their perspective. Even if martial law isnt declared, things in America are spiraling out of control and it's stupid to think we aren't in uncharted waters.
The best case scenario? Nothing happens and I eat crow for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I will admit I'm wrong because I am only posting this out of complete, speculative caution. Regardless of your political views, I wish all of you happy and fulfilling lives.
To end this post, I beg you all: Do not commit any acts of violence. Be safe