Multi-sources say that is has…but…but verified sauce to back it up…so…"NO" until something further gets verified…I could be wrong and missed something…
yea…I thought I had seen something like that posted….but wasn't that taken out…and if not, did Trump actually sign the bill….I don't think it works until he actually signs it…i could be wrong.
Can you also post the one with the Nashville tie in to the riots and the name AQW comes up on the payroll of China…I think I read that right…also were they the files from Nancy's laptop??
yea…i noticed it too…i reloaded a few times and nothing pops up…spooky.
rumor or not…if Trump did sign the Insurrection Act…then aren't we in Martial Law situation and wouldn't that laptop be under Military Law??
yea….i mean there are NO military aircraft being monitored at the moment…so occam razors states some shit is going down…or our whole Military has called it quits…kek.
If you read the paychart…E Tarrio comes if these are payment from China…E Tarrio is the leader of the Proud Boys…something is fishy here when the leader of the Proud Boys is in cahoots with the Nashville Bomber and getting paid by China… I wrong in my thinking here???
yea…he waved it in front of the camera…i'm confused at what you mean.
add'l…I thought that red folder was the one Sidney gave him with the info on the Italy hacking in to the election servers..
you do know that got change 3 years ago to "Q" spacing…but since you are a newfag…we will let it slide.
kekking hard
I saw a post where Someone maybe Sidney gave POTUS a red envelope on Christmas eve and said something about you are going to have a Merry Christmas…it was the Italy information…maybe there was a 2nd video with another red folder…that's why i'm confused.
Baker,I'm confused as to why you don't think E. Tarrio (proud boys leader) and AQW (Nashville bomber) are both involved in the election fraud and being paid by China is NOT Notable?….please explain.
Ok…it was a Happy Birthday video…I thought it was a Christmas video….remember he left quickly to head back to the White House on Christmas eve….maybe two red envelopes but only one on film… longer confused.
lol…i'm sorry…
#2 yes…she is amazing….hard to tell if he was the man behind the wheel in the bad footage…but like she says…no tie in to China…we need to find the connection to China?….makes sense why AQW had to blow up the AT&T building…that was where the servers for the election data was stored.
a Jayhawk down in Florida and a DC10 just popped up on the radar..but that's it.