The Red Carpet Daytime Emmys canceled having the event televised?
Could it be those involved with those show don't want their faces in front of the public?
Also, for those who are older than young and have studied history as time has passed by…
Deep Throat was Anti-Nixon
The whole bring down of Nixon was Deep State / ~Bush / CIA activity. They wanted the reward for Ford and Nixon was allegedly threatening with "Bay of Pigs" like trying to use the JFK assassination as a chip. Or maybe not. Who knows?
Pentagon Papers were planted/ released deliberately. Much as the Snowden release of recent years was no for real heroic motivation, but count-espionage. It's theater, y'all "As the World Turns"
They did the Nixon "school play" to "PROVE" to the marks that their much lauded "freedom of the Press" was still in operation. And that all the activism that had gone on was what ended the VietNam War - and Nixon at the same times. Not.
It's not just that the News is Fake, it's important that people BELIEVE it is free and not fake.
So the analogy of "Deep Throat" to "Q" is absolutely wrong . They are mirror opposites.
Also per the "Work for Free"
The only reason one would do all this work and not make any money is because if you are really doing it you need to remain anon. If you make money at it, you won't be anonymous.
If you are good at it, you know the Syndicate would want to kill you; easily. So why would you give your name? Dumb.
All the Network Hacks, Executives, talking heads know that. That's why they don't talk.