Imagine if you have class room with 30 children.
Now imagine if new teacher comes to the school, and he teach them all the stuff they need to know, not bullshit from fake books, but real stuff.
Now, after teacher left school because principal is not happy with his work, 15 of 30 children are so full of informations, and open minded, that if at any time in the future new stupid teacher comes, he will not be able to undone work from old teacher.
So, even if new stupid teacher is trying hard as he can, not only 15 children are fully "awake", but they dont trust him, they are self learning by themselves together. They trust eachother.
They are trying to push those informations to another 15 children. Some are able to process it, some are lost forever.
This is it.
Anons are the most important thing in the whole world right now.
The Saviours of Humanity.
Knowledge. Informations. Family. Friends. Country. Light.
Love you all faggots.
Eastern Europe Anon out.