Monkeywerx seems to think so.
Well Patriots - I believe the day we have all been waiting for is now in play.
It is Sunday, January 10, 2021 and one of my very reliable sources has told me he was inbound to Camp Pendleton due to the Insurrection Act being signed.
While this information was coming in, I watched Washington Dulles airport go into lockdown. Nothing in - nothing out. This typically would indicate that POTUS was on the move. I also watched two aircraft exfil the area at the same time - not showing as AF1 - but something else. Which, btw - is not only very likely they would not broadcast his movement - but would also show as something entirely different. We witnessed GW Bush do the same thing when he went to Bagdad during the war, his AF1 747 was actually squawking as a Gulfstream aircraft.