i have invested here
i ain't bailing cause some pieces of shit call me a terrorist cult member
i ain't the republican party. bailing on their own people when it is politically convenient. fuck you rhinos.
you choose to scapegoat innocent people instead of calling out attackers for what they are.
i do believe i am acting in a principled way
i am protecting freedoms
and people from all sides are attacking me
telling me lies
saying i am naughty.
my heart is chained to this
everything is chained to this board
this is activism to me
i have dedicated my life to activism
and you sure as fuck can't take away my voice
even if i don't have anything to say
I will say fuck you
just so you can hear it over and over again
fuck you
fuck you
i ain't moving
they are gonna have to shut this down
some other way
cause i am not going to eat fear every morning for breakfast
schizophrenics with keyboards aren't your problem america
get real.