Anonymous ID: 76e998 Jan. 11, 2021, 2:44 p.m. No.12471377   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1399 >>1448 >>1505

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U.S. Attorney John H. Durham condemned rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol and joined colleagues around the country in promising to find and prosecute those responsible.


“We encourage people with information related to the activity at the U.S. Capitol to contact the FBI,” Durham said. “If the District of Connecticut is the appropriate venue for the prosecution of individuals involved in that disgraceful and criminal activity, our office will aggressively pursue any such matter.”


Andrew E. Lelling, the U.S. Attorney from Massachusetts promised to prosecute anyone who traveled from his state to Washington with the intent to commit crimes.


“Yesterday’s events in Washington were shocking and, once peaceful demonstrations turned violent, they became criminal,” Lelling said. “The Constitution protects the right to freedom of speech and assembly. What is does not protect is a violent assault on government institutions. Americans on the right and left must re-learn the difference.”


[Related] Connecticut woman arrested during riot in Washington, D.C. says she didn’t know she was on Capitol grounds »

President Trump’s former Attorney General, William Barr, issued a similar statement through his old justice department office saying “The violence at the Capitol Building is outrageous and despicable. Federal agencies should move immediately to disperse it.”


Barr’s replacement, Acting Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen, said federal law enforcement has worked nonstop since the rioting began and began making arrests Thursday.


“Yesterday, our Nation watched in disbelief as a mob breached the Capitol Building and required federal and local law enforcement to help restore order,” Rosen said. “Our criminal prosecutors have been working throughout the night with special agents and investigators from the U.S. Capitol Police, FBI, ATF, Metropolitan Police Department and the public to gather the evidence, identify perpetrators, and charge federal crimes where warranted.”


Other, outgoing Trump-appointed U.S. Attorneys and high-ranking justice officials from around the country issued similar condemnations, many sounding off on Twitter.


“What we saw at our nation’s Capital was completely unacceptable,” wrote Scott Brady, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania. “The 1st Am does not permit using protest as cover to incite violence. If you traveled from western PA to incite or commit violent acts, we will use every tool at our disposal to identify & prosecute you.”