Anonymous ID: c1b1e0 Jan. 11, 2021, 3:09 p.m. No.12471787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1808

WHO Warns Herd Immunity Won't Bring World "Back To Normal" Quickly


After repeatedly flip-flopping on everything from the efficacy of masks in preventing infection with COVID-19, to whether asymptomatic individuals are considered drivers of COVID-19 infection, WHO officials are now warning that even the mass-vaccination campaigns being carried out by local governments won't be enough to get the world "back to normal" - as Gov. Andrew Cuomo has apparently realized should be a priority (now that Joe Biden has outlasted all the challenges to his victory).


According to Dr. Dale Fisher, society "won't get back to normal quickly" just by people embracing a herd immunity strategy focused on vaccinations. The remarks were made during the Reuters Next conference on Monday.


The event featured health experts from around the world debating strategies for containing the virus.


"We know we need to get to herd immunity, and we need that in a majority of countries, so we are not going to see that in 2021," warned Dr. Fisher, chair of the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network, before adding that, while some nations might achieve it, the world "won’t get back to normal quickly."


His comments were later echoed by Dr. Swaminathan (the agency's chief scientist).


Contrary to scientists' insistence from months back that the virus wasn't mutating quickly enough to create new problems, Fisher cautioned that it could still change in ways that might impact the effectiveness of vaccines, setting back the fight against the disease (even as every vaccine-maker insists that the mutations documented won't impact the efficacy of their products). The doctor highlighted the importance of using a multipronged approach to fighting COVID-19, which sounds like an endorsement of 'forever lockdowns'.


90MM people around the world have been sickened by the virus, while some 26MM doses have been distributed across 43 countries. Israel remains the leader in the global vaccination race (though deaths and severe reactions have also been reported), while the US, UK and Europe are doing everything they can to accelerate the process.


In the US, Texas, California, Florida and New York have received the largest number of vaccines, while seeing the slowest turnaround.

Anonymous ID: c1b1e0 Jan. 11, 2021, 3:11 p.m. No.12471809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1876 >>1891 >>1917 >>2047

Virginia, Maryland governors and D.C. mayor: Do NOT come to Washington for the inauguration


Today, the chief executives of the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia held a joint call to discuss planning for the 59th Presidential Inauguration. The call covered recent requests by D.C. to the federal government, and the leaders discussed the need for enhanced planning and preparation compared to previous inaugurations given the chaos, injury, and death experienced at the United States Capitol during the insurrection on January 6, 2021. The Mayor and the Governors agreed to urge Americans not to come into Washington, D.C. for the Inauguration and to instead participate virtually.


They issued the following statement:


“January 6, 2021 is now a seminal moment in American history. We are grateful for the courageous efforts of every law enforcement officer, Guard member, and first responder who heroically worked to secure the Capitol and ensure our nation’s democracy prevailed.


“On January 20, there will be a transition of power, and we will work together, and with our partners in the federal government, to ensure the safety of the National Capital Region. Due to the unique circumstances surrounding the 59th Presidential Inauguration, including last week’s violent insurrection as well as the ongoing and deadly COVID-19 pandemic, we are taking the extraordinary step of encouraging Americans not to come to Washington, D.C. and to instead participate virtually.


“In this very trying time, January 6 was a dark moment for our nation. But we know that we will get through this period because American ideals are stronger than one extreme ideology. Together, we will overcome extremism and get back to the work of our residents.”

Anonymous ID: c1b1e0 Jan. 11, 2021, 3:15 p.m. No.12471881   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Missouri Sheriff Takes Person Into Custody After Threat To ‘Shoot Law Enforcement In An Ambush’


BUTLER, Mo. — The Bates County Sheriff’s Office in Butler, Missouri said Monday a person is in custody following a threat to ambush law enforcement officers.


An alert said, “The Sheriffs Office received information of a threat toward law enforcement at the Sheriff’s Office. The threat was specific that the person was going to shoot law enforcement in an ambush as they exited the office. Please stay clear from the area. Until further notice the sheriffs office and the administrative building will be closed.”


Later in the day, the office announced, “the subject from the threat earlier is now in custody and there does not seem to be any other threat at this time.”


The name of the suspect was not immediately released and a motive remains under investigation.