Anonymous ID: e11675 Jan. 11, 2021, 4:21 p.m. No.12472877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2889 >>2923 >>2995 >>3059



Whatever you do, America… NEVER actually fight for your freedom. Remember, your 2nd amendment right (which is about to be taken from you), is just for show and talking tough. No one actually uses their guns for anything more than hunting. The men who fought tyranny to establish this nation, wish they could go back in time and just win wars by making memes and shit, obviously.

Anonymous ID: e11675 Jan. 11, 2021, 4:34 p.m. No.12473059   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I'm starting to feel like, maybe it's better to be a Democrat… I mean, while I hate literally EVERYTHING they stand for, at least their politicians ACTUALLY fight for them. Don't abandon them. They'll "break some eggs to make an omelette" if they have to. They will organize and accomplish shit. They get a free-pass for EVERYTHING. They don't get censored. They actually DO SHIT instead of just asking others to do it for them. And they WIN, by any means necessary. Meanwhile Republicans will let their nation, dreams, safety and security, children's futures, all be pissed down the drain, rather than bend a rule for their own salvation. It's fucking pathetic. Our founding fathers would despise the cowardice of conservatives today. yet, they would at least give a nod, acknowledging the left's willingness to get their hands dirty to bring home the "W".


Maybe that's what I'll do… Join the Democrats, and infect their party with the same hopium that we all suffer from.


Maybe we all should… Yeah… Let's ALL become Democrats and eat them alive from the inside, with our pandering, patience and complacency. Our side is already devoured by it.


I'm not serious, obviously… But fuck, sometimes I'm ashamed to be among such a sorry-bunch, that is all talk, and NO WALK… Our leaders have FAILED US. What now? Are we going to cry? Or FIGHT, goddamnit?

Anonymous ID: e11675 Jan. 11, 2021, 4:47 p.m. No.12473278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3304



Yeah, and I would have been sticking my boot up a pedo-communist's ass over 3 years ago, if faggot, LARPing, bitches like you hadn't talked me out of it with your hopium-bullshit, that Q and POTUS would save the day, by LITERALLY DOING NOTHING AND ARRESTING NO ONE.


You and I both are still listening to that wicked-bitch HRC cackle all over the place, when one of the primary reasons we all voted for Trump was because he said he would "LOCK HER UP". How soon we forget… Like we all forgot about that wall he promised us. (Ya know, the partially built one, that spics climb over in 9.6 seconds.) But hey, that economy is booming, right? Sure, most regular American are out of jobs, and don't invest in the market, but Bezos, Zuckerfuck, and the other wealthy Jews are making out like bandits. That "Kabbalah Tree Of Life Award" in Trump's office ain;t so funny now, huh? Apparently it means more to him than the portrait of Andrew Jackson he put up to troll us.