Anonymous ID: 19d569 Jan. 11, 2021, 6:08 p.m. No.12474370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4389

for fuck's sake

there must be some adults in this country

the kids have taken over the entire country

everything is fucking comped


the big kids in the beltway need to quit pissing bullshit at eachother and figure out what is true

literally. there are two, false, semi-fabricated realities that are being lived out by two opposing parties consisting of millions of people in each.

this isn't a joke. this is a memetic crisis.

I think a bit of stabilization is necessary.

I don't care what you say America.

I don't really care what you think this place is

I don't know what it means.

my credentials:

I have been playing with algorithms for years and i dont do math. I don't know what that means. I don't know what i am doing.

I can promise you, something called meme-magic is real. I dunno how it works but i do believe in it.

I think the narrators of this country are setting a trajectory in the living algorithm that will be difficult to reverse effectively.

Q the person might be able to manage the problem, but nobody here knows who that is or how to access that crap. we don't have control of the twitter hillbillies doing crazy ass shit. they are not using Qresearch to plan their shit. leave us out of it.

trump probably has some ability. but i think he should address the issue more directly without all the "this is the beginning.." shit

that is confusing to the deluded people stuck in a trump brainwash cult or whatever.

the left.. i dunno. i kinda trust the woodstock hippies to take over and snap them out of it.

they gotta get to hollywood and change the messaging immediately. they dont have to go anywhere. pick up the phone and say what you know is fucking true. you need to tell the young adults, the children of your fucking family, your tribe, whatever you have, that they are wrong,. they need to sit the fuck down and shut up for a minute.

they will snap out of it i hope

the older ones

will realize.

that it is probably not that good of an idea to mandate such aggressive policy against the opposing political party.

it is out of control.

you need to act.reasonably. but with haste. you need to solve the crisis of reality.

that may sound silly but it is so silly it is like not being discussed by people with any authority to address the problem

there are 2 sets of facts. not about a few things. like everything.

there must be some sort of truth


someone needs to stabilize the expert class

so they can message something to the american people that isnt a technoguru corporate takeover vs an armed hillbilly mob.

like nobody is in control of either one.

but someone with some level of authority needs to call their friends and start talking facts instead of rhetoric.

cause this is bullshit.

i am literally a schizophrenic with a keyboard.

what in the fuck is this nonsense.

it isn't normal

and people are pretending it is normal

i was scared

now i am laughing

like this must be a big joke a dream or something i am gonna wake up from.

Anonymous ID: 19d569 Jan. 11, 2021, 6:13 p.m. No.12474461   🗄️.is 🔗kun



arbitrary criteria based on your ADHD problem

or just shill chat room monitor

either way.

kinda pointless to complain about.

read it or dont?

but you get triggered by it

like upsets your safe space so you take time out of your day to let me know how you feel.