Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 7:13 p.m. No.12475310   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5319 >>5323 >>5404 >>5563 >>6032

It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.


"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.



The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.


''Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.''


Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

(It's a video, click it.)





The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41


Libbre David 37: โ€œTo communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.โ€


Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.


Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?


not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.


A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.


Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.



Share this information the best you can.




Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.


Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.


The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.


Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.


When they canโ€™t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define โ€˜deflectionโ€™.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.



What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation



Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.



Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 7:13 p.m. No.12475319   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5323 >>5563 >>6032


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information


He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."



"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe itโ€ฆ So that's, that's YOUR problem."


JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.


How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonaldโ€™s Meat Factory


New poll: Americansโ€™ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


ADL Calls for Trump's Impeachment After Capitol Violence

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 7:13 p.m. No.12475323   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5404 >>5563 >>6032



Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews


Moloch is the biblical name of a possible Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice. Traditionally, Moloch has been understood to be a god. However, since 1935 scholars have debated whether the term instead refers to a type of sacrifice on the basis of a similar term used for sacrifice in the Punic language. This second position has grown increasingly popular. Since the medieval period, Moloch has often been portrayed as a bull-headed idol with outstretched hands over a fire; this depiction takes the brief mentions of Moloch in the Bible and combines it with various sources, including ancient accounts of Carthaginian child sacrifice

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 7:14 p.m. No.12475325   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5563 >>6032

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

Itโ€™s not the Jewsโ„ข

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that SPLIT THE BREADS to get away from the truth about jews, never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all'' the jews" ''

Itโ€™s not the Jewsโ„ข

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "Qanon / There is no Qanon" back and forth, "selfkill", "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.


"Finkelfag" isn't one of them.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 7:17 p.m. No.12475357   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5387 >>5391


Now that we have slid so many breads today on the TOR drama/delima can those who are fukkin lost stfu and gtfo. You have slid more breads on some shit you should taken the time to learn prior to using a product.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 7:18 p.m. No.12475370   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5440 >>5538 >>5566 >>5612 >>5737 >>5808 >>5926 >>6022 >>6112

6 E6 planes are up

it's habbening


Callsign Type Squawk Altitude(ft) Spd(kt) RSSI

United States SHADO22 E6 2176 34,000 439 -6.8

United States SHADO22 E6 3464 28,000 435 -4.6

United States SELL63 E6 1106 26,000 486 -26.5

United States MOJO55 E6 6772 550

United States ZELLA61 E6 5644 -125 โ–ผ 122

United States YUGA64 E6 6377 ground 5

United States _AE040E

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 7:20 p.m. No.12475387   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5491


Legit anons who are regulars here experienced not being able to access this site today.

Using Tor for the first time is an uncertainty. Being able to ask for feedback here has been valuable to keeping the hive mind alive and well.

If you don't like it leave. We will stay.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 7:31 p.m. No.12475538   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5582 >>5916


screen shot here

8kun fubar for me right now

the E6's are visible to me here,ae040d,ae040e,ae0410,ae0411,ae0412,ae0413,ae0414,ae0415,ae0416,ae0417,ae0418,ae0419,ae041a,ae041b,ae041c,ae8410

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 7:37 p.m. No.12475606   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


The portions of POTUS' speech about going to the Capitol.


I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard. Today, we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections. But whether or not they stand strong for our country, our country.


later at the end, he comes back to marching there and says thisโ€ฆ


So we are going towe are going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we are going to the Capitol, and we are going to try and givethe Democrats are hopeless, they are never voting for anything, not even one vote but we are going to trygive our Republicans, the weak ones because the strong ones don't need any of our help, we're trygoing to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. So let's walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.


Nothing in there about violence. He talked of peacefully protesting. There has never been an instance when POTUS' crowds have ever been violent.


He bears no responsibility.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 7:39 p.m. No.12475635   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Fox slaughtered-

LAST PLACE in all ratings categories:


25-54 demo- last

Total audience- last



25-54 demo- last

Total audience- last


They shook up -the lineup today- I wouldnโ€™t be surprised if there were some management changes soon.


>Poetic Justice

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 7:47 p.m. No.12475765   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



I'm a fucking giant, mean motherfucker, Anon

If you want to turn the US into a might-makes-right regime, I'm more than ready.

Everyone who ushers in communism finds out near immediately that they really didn't want communism. You're called useful idiots for a reason. You don't survive the first wave of food shortages because you are weak people. You will be killed and eaten by people like me once all the guns are taken away. There is nothing you could do to stop me from killing you in a room alone with me without a gun in your hand.


You could have prevented this.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 7:48 p.m. No.12475770   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



At least one has confessed.


Court of Cassation


I'm thinking the convictions/ruling would trigger GEOTUS to act, yes? What spectacular optics. A foreign ruling on election interference can't be spun.


I mean, apart from the DNI Report drop just after the coup certification.


Any Italian-speaking lawfags or diggers?


Much love anons. Hang in there.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 7:51 p.m. No.12475813   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

US Has Just Declared War on China! - Simon Parkes Must Video

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 7:56 p.m. No.12475885   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


You're not going to want to have a crutch like alcohol going into this "Dark Winter"

Get rid of sugar, too since you're probably overindulging right about now.

And start running even if you have to start by walking.

The more you suffer now, the more likelihood you have of surviving the next year.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 7:57 p.m. No.12475898   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Huber just retweeted this

The 'wanted' list for the capitol riots

Sorry, forced to use Tor for the 1st time, best I can do is the link

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 8:03 p.m. No.12475973   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


use the brave browser or dissenter browser

all you'll have to do is push a button and you can open a tor browser

On the dissenter browser, there's a "dissenter settings" option, open it and uncheck all the boxes. If you decide to go with that one.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 8:09 p.m. No.12476057   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6072

PayPal Holdings Inc said on Monday it has blocked the Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo after it helped raise funds for people who attended last weekโ€™s event in Washington when supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 8:10 p.m. No.12476078   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6092


>Will 911 be the first DECLAS?????

Not a chance, it leads to israel.

all the shit leads to israel.

the most disturbing part of all this is isreal is a vassel state of the crown. it was formed as a backdoor into the US and POTUS and Pompeo constantly cuck to israel and point the finger at muh china. Yes, "China" is where the strings lead to, but anyone can be "China" who has enough money to incorporate there. It's a shell-nation that has been used by the banking cartel to conduct the sumerian swindle since the days of Mesopotamia.


Day by day, its looking more and more like the goal is mass genocide by getting the US into war with China. The US went BK a long time ago. Wars are how banks collect on debts.

Anonymous ID: 000000 Jan. 11, 2021, 8:12 p.m. No.12476105   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


he told me 34th street, between 10th ave and 11th ave there were tons of them. National Guard. I will try to get pictures/video tomorrow, going to go there tomorrow. I assure you not disinformation, long time anon this is a very close friend.