Anonymous ID: 49b2ee Jan. 11, 2021, 8:17 p.m. No.12476154   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12476075 lb

i dunno anymore

my family says that about trump supporters and BLM

they think trump people pretend to be protesters to make it all look bad

i am not really saying that is true either

just reporting that the same messaging is happening on both sides of the partisan divide

so maybe both sides are doing it to eachother

i tend to think the agitators on both sides are our own federal agents that think they are "helping" by running entrapment schemes or doing shitty fucking crowd control.

like they act as covert leaders, talk big talk, and then try to stop it before it happens

but maybe failed.

like it was a big honeypot for the dumbasses carrying equipment for a civil war?

they knew it was happening but let it go on for too long.

this op got out of control?

i dunno, just babbling. hard to explain it all.

cause those people looked pretty prepared to me. it doesn't seem to match the "riled" up mob story.

i was watching the livestream

and like one the guys was trying to stop the group from going up to scaffolding

and the guy was yelling at him "you led us here" "you started all this"

it seemed like the guy turned on them at the last moment or something.

Anonymous ID: 49b2ee Jan. 11, 2021, 8:45 p.m. No.12476473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6498 >>6509 >>6520


people say

"qanon is responsible for the capitol attack"

you could answer with a couple of dumb things that don't matter.

1.) antifa did it

2.) qanon doesn't exist, there is only q and anon


or you could say…

1.) Q never suggested vigilante violence was the answer

2.) the capitol attackers were not using the "q platform" to organize their attack

3.) information about a possible conspiracy doesn't mean people should act on it

4.) Q never said act on information or conspiracy

5.) that isn't true, i was there on the boards

6.) there are archives, you could review them

7.) you don't blame the koran for 9/11

8.) those people are crazy agitators that don't know anything about Q

9.) a twitter hashtag and bumpsticker doesn't mean they were attacking the capitol to interrupt a secret ritual with satanic pedophiles drinking blood?.(at least i hope not, what the fuck do i know anymore?)

10.) you should visit qresearch sometime, it isn't like that


look i dont have the answers

but some of you say some dumb shit considering the circumstances

just my 2cent

i know. that isn't allowed around here

eat a dick

Anonymous ID: 49b2ee Jan. 11, 2021, 8:58 p.m. No.12476636   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I understand the whole there is no Qanon

but it is funny to watch

cause the "there is no qanon"

is like

like leftists arguing over pronouns while the icecaps are melting or whatever.

q people arguing over usage while a massive police state headed by crazed technogurus are taking over the country


i think it is a good argument in general

but the mainstream doesnt care about our crap definitions

it seems to be a little past semantics at this point

i dont recommend like "taking action" or anything

i just dont know that our usage arguments are working out real well for qresearch

need well-reasoned information, relevant to outside entities lurking here

i dunno. just bibble babbling the same shit over and over

guess i could use my brian for something else.

Anonymous ID: 49b2ee Jan. 11, 2021, 9:08 p.m. No.12476767   🗄️.is 🔗kun

i mean

does information of all kinds need to come with a fucking disclaimer

"Do not do anything violent or stupid with this information"

is that not implied?

I understand that you don't want to encourage it…

but people act like the information is responsible for the actions


it isn't all information that inspires bad actors

just some information, usually related to orange man bad

what about the fact that Earth First went and shut off gas to vale, CO based on their ideology about environmentalism?

you are not attacking the environmentalist movement because a domestic terror organization attacked infrastructure

you dont even cover it

but you smash up the entire republican party

over a group of crazed hillbillies with bumper stickers of your political opponent?

call it what it is. say what they think. say who told them that was a good idea… but you can't just say they "supported trump" and had "bumper stickers"

that doesn't make them representatives of maga

no more than the bernie supporter that shot up the congressional softball game

nobody screamed about violent leftist ideologies…

don't act like "disinformation" or "unofficially verified information" is LEADING people to be stupid and that conspiracies theories need a disclaimer on them.

this is like the lady suing mcdonalds cause the cup doesn't say hot coffee.

or the people who sue 5 gallon bucket companies cause they let their kid drown in it.

stupid shit for real.