The CDAN blind about Rubio appears to have been true. He was neutralized during the GOP primaries in 2016. They showed him the video of himself having sex with the two male prostitutes in that honeypot mansion in New Orleans, and he got pretty quiet after that. They offered him a deal. The deal was that he gets to stay in the senate (for now) as long as he keeps voting how they want him to vote.
I was watching the primaries very closely, and I was wondering why Rubio just stopped trying so suddenly. I had thought that the stories about him with other dudes and the foam parties were just jokes, but all of it is true. I'm glad they didn't scandalize him with that video though. His kids were too young. But there's no way the wife doesn't know that he's into dudes. That must be one hell of a bearding contract. I wonder where he gets the money to pay her. Was he, like the other 7, being paid by the cabal to do their bidding in the Senate?
Who here REALLY remembers Rubio? He used to have a very big mouth in the Senate. These days he's as quiet and meek as a lamb. Who here remembers the Gang of Eight back in 2013? Is it a coincidence that the same names keep coming up over immigration and border security issues, amnest, etc. again and again and again? Here is the list of the 'eight' below:
Sen. Michael Bennet, D-CO
Sen. Dick Durbin, D-IL
Sen. Jeff Flake, R-AZ
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-SC
Sen. John McCain, R-AZ
Sen. Robert Menendez, D-NJ
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-FL
Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NY
The Gang of Eight was a group in Congress who heavily pushed the cabal scheme to grant big amnesty to all the tens of millions of illegal aliens in the country and to provide visas to flood the USA with many more foreign workers. These people do not give up. They keep dressing up the same old idea in different ways and trying to sneak it trough Congress. This is what the cabal wants them to do. The good thing about all this is that it seems we're going to get rid of some of them— finally.