Here's your repost. Sorry was making a snack.
Sorry it took me so long to understand what this chap was trying to say.
What this post contains. /pol/ post (pink) re where the 2 Chinese documents came from.
Chinese document that has email messaging re operations in English. JB is a native English speaker…who is JB? The recipient (samev) is NOT a native English speaker and there's a phone number that flips to a satphone.
Chinese document from same source (the source was dropped on /pol/ and /pol/ did what they do…sniff the info for relevant sauce. These two documents were all I had saved–
Another Poster here saw my posts on this yesterday and sent the "payroll" appearing document to a friend in Hong Kong to translate. The translation has caused this Anon to be very concerned. I'll leave their translation as is and green text
Translator says:
I"t seems this is a chatlog for CCP coordinator payroll/business and monitoring list of topics."
Begin Translation top to bottom
>"The following actions have been approved and verified by the district 07 local coordinator and the person in charge of the relevant chapters. You can follow the instructions below to trade. Note: The direct deposit details not yet provided will be submitted in December.
>Overseas branch/bank
>As instructed, the titles of each chapter of CNASR have been monitored for relevant keywords of, and these contents will be included in future newsletters.
>6th of Jul
>China UN representative Cheung Jun
>Can you enter a non-transparent URL to upload photos of OP in Oregon? The previous URL keeps breaking."
OP appears to believe this means a future operation in Oregon and posted pic related Oregon bomb threat and says HERE:
>The translated section is in pics related in my first post. It was a noteable last night showing a potential leak showing the CCP paid for the TN bombing to destroy the HDD's. I am getting messages that there is a bombthreat in OR now . please get the translated message info out EVERYONE!
Attaching all relevant docs.
Events in order of happening
Pol/drop re Epstein hideout in Michigan near the Lake (sorry I fail I didn't save that LARP
Michigan "f-16" crash including run down and pics here including Epstein hideout cords HERE:
>>12477488 (You)
Night BEFORE Nashville bombing white/black hat makes very satisfied /pol/ drop including /pol/ proof with "coded" items in it. Fun fact, it could be taken either way depending on what you want to believe. COULD be blackhat bragging about getting shit wiped, could be whitehat bragging about getting in there and snatching them up before the bomb….
Blue doc= my decode of that photo saved to my computer Dec. 28th (and knowing me it was early AM)
Nashville bombing
Chink dox dropped, saved to my computer 29 December (again probably early in AM)
Is this rundown OK?
Linking Nashville Bombing, AQC neighbor S. Schmoldt and TV interviewee, Proud Boys Leader E. Terrio, Michigan "f-16" crash to the CCP
NO one at /pol/ has ever believed Proud Boys OR was Bugaloo boys were organic. We made fun of the Hawaiian shirt (aka CIA disguise) outfits and ridiculed their efforts to implicate us in violence. Terrio is arrested but I don't think it's for being a patriot. Using a dark face to lead a "alt-right" group gave them more credence as organic.