Baker, Global Notable
WTF. A Eulogy?
McCarthy is probably a traitor, imo. See Patrick Byrne videos about the evening he, Gen. Flynn, Sidney Powell were in WH with POTUS and how Pat Cippolone acted (Byrne said he was obviously a traitor) and how McCarthy was a weasel.
That night POTUS told all of them he was appointing Sidney Powell Special Investigator. The next day was the day she called and asked for pass to WH for access and was denied by McCarthy without consulting POTUS.
Ivanka as Pres. No way.
New VP would have to be approved by Congress. No?
Sidney Powell, then. I don't trust Ivanka. Would take Don Jr., however, in a second.
Thx. Anon. Thought I had read that somewhere.
Don't know anything about planefagging. Watching and trying to learn a bit.
Who/what is VV101, please?
I fell lost when this 8kun is down. Sad, isn't it? KEK.
Anyone seen or heard from Lin Wood since Parler went down? I haven't seen a single post about him. Tried to find him on Gab earlier w/ no luck.
Kekkity KeK!
Have been on so many sites today. Somewhere I read that Odin is almost ready to go.
Concur, Anon. She's the Best.
FOX is done. They screwed themselves. I don't think they can come back.
Martha lost 60% of her followers, iirc, from recent stats I saw. Deservedly so.
Hey, Thanks, Anon!
UNLESS, they have ended the US Corporation and have restored US as a Republic, and who knows how this plays out.
These fucktard companies. Walmart took a dump after their major faux pas. If we circulate this, there are a shitload of fem patriots out there who would boycott the hell out of Hallmark. And not watch their cable channel anymore either.
Article says he said Trump supporters stormed the Capitol.
Another traitor outs himself? Or more BS fake news?