What I have to wonder about is why is the Deep State fucking with White-Christian Americans so badly? We make the best slaves:
-Pay our taxes.
-Earn enough to actually have taxes owed.
-Get ourselves generally neat and tidy/washed.
-Speak comprehensible English.
-Don't murder and rape everything in sight.
-Ok with 40+ hours a week.
-And etc. and etc.
Why the fuck are they killing their Golden Goose? It's like beating your best plow Ox…makes no sense.
Enlighten me to the psychology of the ruling Jew? Do they hate us because they are jealous of our general awesomeness, non-inbred genetics and smoking-hot ladies? They keep poking the Tiger here. The one thing white-folks do very, very well is fight and kill when we need to. I just don't understand why they aren't going after the worthless-eaters first? Why radicalize your "house-slaves" against you?