Anonymous ID: 0a791f Jan. 12, 2021, 10:12 a.m. No.12482942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2992 >>3000 >>3001

>>12481163 pb and are consolidators you can link out from there to the vendor sites if you find something that you like.


Be aware that guns are 20 - 200% more right now and ammo is 200 to 1000% higher than calm prices. This is when some calls to elderly relatives can be useful. Ammo lasts for decades and in some cases over a century or more in good storage. Guns can last centuries if cared for and not abused or worn out.


Electronics are nice, but will be fried if we get EMP'd…be sure you're set to roll old school if it gets hard core.

Anonymous ID: 0a791f Jan. 12, 2021, 10:25 a.m. No.12483147   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've fancy tacticool stuff, but for a grab-and-go hard to beat a basic M4 with irons and good steel mags. Good past my abilites and if the Army keeps using it 70 years later, probably serve me well too. The high speed stuff has a certain 'cool' but I know which ones have NEVER failed me. Mil-spec ammo and mil-spec rifles. Gunsmithing on the 2-way range isn't fun and I have more stories that I don't want to relive.