Anonymous ID: 2f6bb0 Jan. 12, 2021, 10:01 a.m. No.12482772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2909



>>12480831 pb

anons are winning the narrative;


Both France and Germany know

That's why Merkel and Macron both criticized TWITTER

What the Tech Giants are doing is very bad optics

Only reason they are doing it?

Their back is up to the wall.

  1. ANGER HATE leads to

  2. LACK OF JUDGMENT leads to



So the ancient seers have records.

Sun Tzu aint too bad either.

"If you know you are going to lose, don't fight; WAIT"


Sunstein the nebbish and his lkely tranny wife Samantha fought their "info war" with bold / extreme lies (Propaganda Events, etc.) in an age of open and instant information. 24 /7 information flow; with everyone having a devise and access to troves of data.

What did they think would happen?


>>12482360 pb

Remember the husband of a sheep is a RAM.

Anonymous ID: 2f6bb0 Jan. 12, 2021, 10:11 a.m. No.12482909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2928 >>3047 >>3101


>>12480831 pb

When bullies lose a verbal argument, they turn to violence

When they can't use words; when they can't win with words, they use fists.

You can see on this site, shills

Twisting the truth, deception,

Avoiding the argument, dissembling, mis-direction, changing the subject

An also just straight -out personal attacks, 'brute force'

That's why we are seeing the fascists call for lists, call for rounding up, issuing threats

Because they can't use words to win.

They are losing.

Lies are weak compared with truth / reality

That's why a mirage will disappear as you approach it to examine details


Anonymous ID: 2f6bb0 Jan. 12, 2021, 10:23 a.m. No.12483101   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Oh dear Lord, check this examination of the oddball Sunstein. This guy is a 10/10 nutter.


"In a saner world, Sunstein would have read over his first draft and said to himself: "You know, people are just going to laugh at my Jewish Paranoia. Better come up with something less embarrassing. I mean, I'm the guy whose wife started a war in 2011, so it would be pretty comical for me to be publicly worrying about the Bowling Nazi menace."


Gawd. This piece isn't just full of crumbs; it's an entire bakery:


"There is a special breed or neocon female warmonger in the USA – chickenhawks who feed from crumbs of military industrial complex.


"… Though Power is a big promoter of the "responsibility to protect" or "R2P" she operates with glaring selectivity in deciding who deserves protection as she advances a neocon/liberal interventionist agenda. She is turning "human rights" into an excuse not to resolve conflicts but rather to make them bloodier. …"


"… Similarly, regarding Libya, Power was one of the instigators of the U.S.-supported military intervention in 2011 which was disguised as an "R2P" mission to protect civilians in eastern Libya where dictator Muammar Gaddafi had identified the infiltration of terrorist groups. …"


"… Urged on by then-National Security Council aide Power and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Obama agreed to support a military mission that quickly morphed into a "regime change" operation. Gaddafi's troops were bombed from the air and Gaddafi was eventually hunted down, tortured and murdered. …"


One year delta on this dig, exactly